"Surprise"! This was the statement of the winner of the Biology Institute (IB) logo competition, Giovanna Bianchim (on the left), a 4th year student of the Architecture and Urban Planning (FEC) course. The work was unanimously chosen by the judging committee among the 48 submitted by Unicamp employees, students and teachers. Giovanna was awarded an honorary diploma and books, delivered on June 4th by the IB Director, Profa. Maria Luisa. S. Mello. After 34 years of activity, the IB has its logo and the justification for the winning work represents the union of the two areas of study in Biology: the cell alludes to the animal kingdom and the leaves or petals, to the plant kingdom.
Panel of the Week
University-company - Registration is now open for Campinas Inova - an event that will allow for an analysis and discussion of the responsibilities of each segment involved in the issue of technological innovation. The lectures will take place on the 18th (Tuesday), at the Unicamp Convention Center, from 9 am to 18 pm and the participation of big names from academia, business and government is expected. Participation is free, registration is mandatory. Registration can be done on the website www.campinasinova.ct.unicamp.br
Blood Collection – From the 18th to the 20th (Tuesday to Thursday) there will be blood collection with the Hemocentro mobile unit, in front of the Cathedral, Rua 13 de Maio, from 8 am to 12 pm. Information: 3788-8710 or 8722.
Environmental research – Seminar “Ethnobotany on estuary islands: useful plants in two communities on the islands of Cananéia and longa/SP”, with professor Natália Hanazaki, associate researcher at Nepam, on the 18th (Tuesday), at 14:30 pm at Nepam. More information: phone 3788-7690 or email arleude@nepam.unicamp.br e gilmar@nepam.unicamp.br..
Soilless Cultivation – The Faculty of Agricultural Engineering holds another event linked to São Paulo and Brazilian Agribusiness: Soilless Cultivation or better known as Hydroponics. The fourth meeting in the series of events takes place on the 18th and 19th (Tuesday and Wednesday), in the Central Library Auditorium. Topics such as “Entrepreneurship and Cooperativism” by UERJ specialist José Abrantes and “Economic Viability and Financial Analysis of Projects” by professor Fernando Vicente from USP in Ribeirão Preto will be covered. Technical aspects will also be explored, such as “Strawberry Cultivation”, “Potato Seed” and “Filters and Water Quality” covered by experts from the private sector and research centers. To draw a parallel between the Brazilian reality and modern global agriculture, professors Eduardo Rodriguez and David Uclés Aguilera from the University of Almeria, southern Spain, will also be present. Details and information through the website www.hidroponia.com.br or at Feagri by phone (19) 3788-1079.
Consultation at the FCM – The Organizing Committee of the Community Consultation to choose the FCM director announces that there will be debates between the registered candidates on the 19th (Wednesday), at 11am, in the FCM Noble Hall. The Consultation takes place on the 25th and 26th of June, from 9 am to 17 pm, at Paulistinha and then the counting on the 26th, from 17:30 pm, in the FCM Congregation Room.
Videos about Korea – Presentation of videos made during professor José Lunazzi's visit to Korea in 1996, in the amphitheater of the Institute of Physics, from 12:15 pm to 13:45 pm on the 19th (Wednesday). Flashes will be shown, on the big screen, of the Folklore Museum in Seoul, of Taejon, the central market and varieties about Tokyo. Photos of typical dances can be seen at: http://geocities.com/lunazzi_kaj_esperanto/koreio/koreio.htm. More information by email lunazzi@ifi.unicamp.br.
Psychology – Registration is open until the 21st (Friday), at the Unicamp Extension School (Extecamp), for the specialization course in Hospital Psychology, promoted thanks to a partnership between the HC, the Boldrini Center and Caism. The objective is to qualify psychology professionals for hospital practices. Extecamp is located in building 1 of the Rectory. For more information, call 3788-4646 or 3788-4648.
Secretaries – Registration is now open for the 2nd Meeting of Health Secretaries, which will take place from the 23rd to the 30th of September. The official opening takes place on September 23rd, at the Ermitage Hotel Boulevard. There will also be activities at Solar das Andorinhas. Lectures were scheduled with Unicamp psychologists Helena Cristina Sampaio Cruzeiro, Robson Gabetta Neves and professor Geanete Franklin, from Senac-Campinas. Registration until the 21st (Friday) at the cost of R$ 70 (payment can be made in up to 3 installments), at the Public Relations Office of Hospital das Clínicas. It is mandatory to take a 3x4 photo, between 9 am to 12 pm and 14 pm to 17 pm. More information by phone: (19) 3788-8002 and 3788-7742 or CAISM Administrative Division, with Darci, on extensions: 89303/89459, at the same time.
Environmental remediation – Registration for the lecture “Technologies for Environmental Investigation and Remediation”, given by Clean Environment do Brasil, can be made until the 21st (Friday). The lecture will be on July 2nd, at 14 pm, in the Geosciences Institute Auditorium. The event is free. Information and registration by email spg@ige.unicamp.br or by fax (19) 3289-1562 c/o Academic Secretariat.
Festa Junina – Day 21 (Friday), starting at 12 noon, in the courtyard of the Psychiatry Ward, there will be a Festa Junina with many attractions and lots of entertainment. If you are interested in the gang, look for Morgana at extension 87094.
Cancer – The Center for Comprehensive Attention to Women's Health (Caism) organizes on the 22nd (Saturday) the course Cancer of the Lower Genital Tract: Propedeutics and Treatment. Information: telephone 3788-9402 and 3788-9403 or email astec@caism.unicamp.br.
Low Vision – The 22th Symposium on Low Vision: Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation will take place on the 9nd (Saturday), in the auditorium of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM), starting at 8 am. Low vision is a visual impairment, at varying levels, that requires clinical treatment and rehabilitation by social and school professionals. The meeting is aimed at ophthalmologists, health professionals, psychologists, pedagogues, teachers, social workers and will address optical resources, low vision in childhood, visual impairment at school age and rehabilitation of the visually impaired. Information at the Ophthalmology department secretariat: telephone 3788-7380 or email discoft@fcm.unicamp.br.
Oncology – On the 22nd and 23rd (Saturday and Sunday), the 2nd Oncology Day of the União Paulista das Ligas Estudantis de Oncologia (UPLEO) will take place at the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM). Information about the schedule and times of lectures at the “Adolfo Lutz” Academic Center (with Cidinha): telephone 3289-3088 or email caal@fcm.unicamp.br.
Flu – Unicamp's Community Health Center (Cecom) is carrying out a Flu Vaccination Campaign for the university community. The service will be held from 7:30 am to 18:30 pm. The vaccine to be offered is Fluarix, from the Smithkline Beecham laboratory. It is indicated for flu prevention in adults and children over six months of age. Annual doses should be taken and people with egg allergies, who are hypersensitive to the components of the vaccine, especially merthiolate (thiomersal) and gentamicin and pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy, should not take the vaccine. The effectiveness of the vaccine is 70 to 90% of vaccinated healthy adults. Information: 3788-7333 and 3788-7355.
Another center – Images from another center is the exhibition that occupies the entrance hall of the Central Library. Until June 28, the public will have the opportunity to see the results of the work carried out by undergraduate students of Social Sciences and History, within the discipline “Photography and Human Sciences”, taught by the head of the IA Multimedia Department, Fernando de Tacca . The photographers are Adriana Busso, Alan Pimenta, Carolina Beckman, Eleonora Frenkel, Fernanda Cação, Fernando Senaha, Isabel de Rosel, Mariana Estima and Vanessa Sobriño. More details by phone 9724-7274 (Fernando).
Dentistry Service – Users who already use the Cecom/CSS Dentistry Service must go to the Dentistry Service reception with a functional badge or updated RA to update their registration (patients without an updated registration will not be able to make an appointment over the phone). For those who have never used the Service, registration must also be done in person, carrying the same documents for service registration. If you have any questions, please contact us via email isaodont@trieste.cecom.unicamp.br.
Dot matrix printers – CLE has five ribbons for dot matrix printers for the following models for donation: Epson MX 70/80, Grafix 80, P 500 Epson T 1000/2000, Epson 8750 13MM x 13M. Black nylon, seven standard NE10 2000Mb/s network cards with installation software, typewriter ribbon (8 units), IBM 82, 82C, 196 and 196C. Those interested in purchasing please contact us by email: logica@cle.unicamp.br or by telephone 3788-6509 - 86520 with Iria or Augusto.
Technological consultancy – The Financier of Studies and Projects (Finep), in partnership with Unicamp and twelve other Brazilian universities, is developing the project “Technological consultancy offices and university-company interaction” whose objective is to collect information for the identification of potential projects within the scope of the Green-Yellow Fund. This is a program to encourage University-Company interaction to support innovation. The questionnaire is the instrument for collecting this information and its completion by university researchers is an essential condition for the proposed objectives to be achieved. It was prepared to speed up completion, estimated at twenty minutes for basic information, and can be found at www.unicamp.br/prp/edistec. Additional information can be obtained directly from Edistec, by calling 3788-5012, or by email edistec@cenpra.gov.br.
Discussion list – Unicamp's Postgraduate Course in Physical Education has a discussion list called FEFUNICAMP-List, which is managed by the student body. The objective is to stimulate the exchange of information on the Internet and keep the public informed of the latest events in the unit and community. To sign up for the list, visit the website: http://cev.ucb.br/mailman/listinfo/fefunicamp-l. As this is a list reserved for Unicamp, registration is carried out exclusively on this page, and is not visible on the Virtual Sports Center page that hosts this vehicle. To send messages to the list, simply write: fefunicamp-l@cev.ucb.br. If you have any questions or problems with registration, please contact the List Administrator.
Electronic bulletin – The IT and Press Department of the Unicamp Workers' Union carries out research among those who currently receive their Electronic Bulletin. If you are interested in continuing to receive it, please confirm via the following email: stu@stu.org.br.
New Nipe address – The Interdisciplinary Center for Energy Planning (NIPE) is operating at a new address: Rua Sigheo Mori, 2013, telephones 3289-3125 and 3289-5499.
Cecom – Doctor Edison Bueno was sworn in as coordinator of Social Services at Unicamp, on June 3, by rector Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz. He had been responsible for CSS/Cecom since 1999. The nomination of his name to remain in the position was made by the dean himself. Physiotherapist Marco Aurélio Guaraldo took over as assistant coordinator. They serve in the four-year period 2002-2006.
Scientific dissemination – Agência Universitária de Notícias is a publication by Journalism students at the School of Communications and Arts (ECA) that covers scientific production from all units at USP. Every week, the website www.eca.usp.br/aun provides new materials in different areas of knowledge. Reproduction of texts is free, as long as the source and author of the article are cited.
Courses – The Extension School (Extecamp) offers specialization and extension courses in the biological, human, exact and technological areas. Information: 3788-4646 and 3788-4648 or email extecamp@unicamp.br.
Marx – The Center for Marxist Studies (Cemarx) has launched issue number 14 of the magazine Crítica Marxista. The issue contains articles on: Empire, war and terror (João Quartim de Moraes), The dialectic inside out (Jorge Grespan), The quarrel of humanism II (Louis Althusser), On the political meaning of logical positivism (Marcos Barbosa de Oliveira) , The aesthetics of merchandise in the poem “O sugar” by Ferreira Gullar (Hermenegildo José Bastos) and also, debate, comments, interviews and reviews. Other information on the website: www.unicamp.br/cemarx/criticamarxista or by email cntoledo@terra.com.br.
Launch – Nudecri launched the 8th edition of the annual publication Rua. The edition features articles that discuss issues seen as typical of the urban universe, life in the modern city, as well as others indirectly related. They are works by linguists, anthropologists, discourse analysts, poets and geographers, forming a rich panel of multidisciplinary analysis and reflection. The Arts section shows the result of the meeting, at Conversa de Rua do Labeurb, of the poetry of Sheila da Silveira, Christovam Jacques and Luiz Henrique, in addition to bringing a review of the book Fapesp: a history of scientific and technological policy, by Shoso Motoyama. Information by phone 3788-1104 or by email leci@labeurb.unicamp.br care of Leci – Publications Sector.
Universoft – There were twenty-seven teams and approximately 300 players present at the 6th Universoft held on May 25th and 26th at Coopercotia Atlético Clube/SP. Result: Unicamp wins the third softball championship (1999/2001/2002). Exactly like in football, the 2 best teams in the 2nd division move up to the 1st and the two worst teams in the 1st division go down. To get a better idea of what it's all about, Universoft is not the only mixed college softball tournament in the country. In the 2nd semester, the III Soft Party should take place. Last year, the University Baseball and Softball Commission recorded data from two other university championships, the Blue Tournament and the Unoeste Sakura Tournament. More information: www.beisebolbrasil.com.br/fixo/principal/principal.asp
Prize 1 – Rafael Dias Mendes, 17 years old, student of the Unibanda Project at Unicamp, is one of the first three instrumentalists classified in the 5th Weril Prize, the final phase of which took place at the Municipal Theater of São Paulo, on the 19th. Rafael plays the bombardino. The national competition had approximately 100 registered candidates, and in a preliminary selection of two instrumentalists Rafael was one of the three chosen.
Prize 2 – Alysson Fernandes Mazoni, a student studying Control and Automation Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, was awarded the “Goldman Sachs Global Leards 2002” scholarship program. The Alumni Association, in partnership with the Goldman Sachs Foundation and Institute of International Education, selected eight Brazilian students, who stood out for their academic excellence and recognized leadership potential.
Contemporary music – The Contemporary Music Documentation Center (Musicon) database is already connected with the European Music Navigator, a tool with quality information, highly efficient and worldwide in scope. EMN is being developed by The International Association of Music Information Centers (IAMIC), of which CDMC has been a member since 1996. It brings together nationwide, non-commercial music information centers from more than 36 countries. Musicon was started in 1992 with support from Fundação Vitae and Unicamp. To access the EMN you must click http://www.europeanmusicnavigator.org.
Theater – Theater course for Unicamp students and employees. Classes are taught on Mondays and Wednesdays, at 18:30 pm, for a period of one year, by students from the Unicamp Arts Institute. The promotion is from the Adolfo Lutz Academic Center and takes place in the auditorium of the Faculty of Medical Sciences. More information and registration by calling 3788-7942.
Loans – The Unicamp Cooperative (Cooperunicamp) informs that credit grants to members will limit the amount to R$3. It also clarifies that the procedures for releasing the amount have been changed. DGRH will reserve the amount, as the installments will be deducted from the payroll. This reservation procedure prevents other payments from being entered on the payroll, causing the Cooperative's portion to be reversed. Any questions can be resolved via email at cooperunicamp@hotmail.com or by calling 3788-4479.
Administration Assistant – A vacancy, only for a budgetary employee at Unicamp, at the Center for Comprehensive Attention to Women's Health to work in the Perinatal Genetics Program. The deadline for registration is June 25th, at the HR/CAISM Secretariat, from 9 am to 12 pm and from 14 pm to 16:30 pm. Selection consists of a written test, CV analysis, interview and psychological test. Information with Cristiane, by phone 3788-9322 or 3788-9355 and by email rh@caism.unicamp.br.
Administration Technician I – The Center for Comprehensive Attention to Women's Health (Caism) begins the functional mobility process for a vacancy in the Pharmacy Service. The deadline for registration is June 25th, at the RH/CAISM Secretariat, from 9 am to 12 pm and from 14 pm to 16:30 pm. More information with Cristiane, by phone 3788-9322 or 3788-9355 or by email rh@caism.unicamp.br.
Functional mobility – Administration Technician I vacancy for the Caism IT Service. Registration: until June 25th, at the RH/CAISM Secretariat, from 9 am to 12 pm and from 14 pm to 16:30 pm. For further information, contact Cristiane, by phone 3788-9322 or 3788-9355 and by email rh@caism.unicamp.br.
Brazilian invention – Registration is now open for the 28th National State Governor Award Competition – Brazilian Invention, promoted by the State Secretariat of Science, Technology and Economic Development. Inventors will be able to register their patents that have already been granted or even at the application stage, registered with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI). The maximum prize is R$22 thousand. At the discretion of the Judging Committee, the prize may be shared between more than one invention and several honorable mentions may also be awarded. The Office of Diffusion and Technological Services (Edistec) will formally register only Unicamp inventions until August 28th. Inventors interested in participating must request the registration proposal to be completed via email: ciro@unicamp.br, always mentioning the number and/or title of the invention. Application forms for patents from other entities, individuals and/or people with no connection to the University will not be provided. Information telephone: 3788-5015 or fax 3788-5030, with Ciro or http://www.unicamp.br/prp/edistec.
Competition – The Universia Brasil Portal (www.universiabrasil.net) will give away a laptop on July 15th. The promotion will reward those who respond most creatively to the question: “How will Universia help with my academic training?” Each response can have a maximum of 200 characters. To send the answer, simply access the portal by July 15th and click on the Universia Laptop Promotion banner.
Social Security – Social Security opens registrations, until August 16th, for those interested in the “2nd Social Security Monograph Prize”. The main theme to be developed in the monographs is “Social Security and the Challenges to Expanding its Coverage”. The author of the best work will receive a prize of R$10, the second R$5 and the third, R$2,5. The competition is promoted by the Social Security Secretariat of the Ministry of Social Security, in partnership with the National Association of Social Security Tax Auditors (Anfip) and the Anfip Foundation. Interested parties must forward their work, by the deadline, to Anfip's headquarters, in Brasília (Setor Bancário Norte, Quadra 1, Bloco H, CEP 70040-907). The regulation can be consulted on the Ministry's websites www.previdenciasocial.gov.br www. previdenciasocial.gov.br or Anfip www.anfip.org.br http://www.anfip.org.br .
Electric Energy – The National Seminar on Electric Energy Production and Transmission – an event for the Brazilian electrical sector, constituting a broad forum for debates on the most relevant issues in the national electrical energy industry. The 17th SNPTEE, promoted by CIGRÉ, coordinated by Cemig - Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais, will be held from October 19th to 24th, 2003, in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. The presentation of works, whose summaries must be sent by July 29, 2002, through the website http://www.xviisnptee.com.br/, where all information about the event can be found.
FE Events – Within the program of the Formar-Sciences Seminar Socializing Investigations, the lecture “Contributions of the Elements of Geology discipline to the formation of the Science teacher’s conception of the environment: the case of FAPIPE-SP” will take place on June 24th. by Ana Maria Brito Aires (Projeto Formar Ciências). The meetings take place at 14pm, in room LL01 (block A - ground floor). Information: 3788-5565 / 5567, email:eventofe@unicamp.br.
Extension at FEA – The course “Processing juices, nectars and pulps” for professionals from small and micro companies who work with raw materials: selection and classification, extraction, processing, packaging and quality control will be held on June 24th and 25th. Information: www.fea.unicamp.br/ or by phone (19) 3788-3886 / 3788-4094.
Pediatrics – The Academic Nursing Center of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM) promotes the 4st Pediatric Emergency Course on the 5th and 3788th of July, in the Faculty's amphitheater I (Legolândia). Information: telephone 7443-XNUMX or email lili@fcm.unicamp.br.
Biology – “Molecular heterogeneity in the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase gene in a population from the Brazilian Amazon” (PhD). Candidate: Arno Rolf Hamel. Advisor: professor Sara Teresinha Olalla Saad. June 17th, at 14:30 pm, in the IB Postgraduate Thesis Defense room.
“Ultrastructural analysis of primary lymphoid organs from Balb/c mice inoculated with paracoccidioides brasilienses” (master’s degree). Candidate: Paula Cristina de Souza Souto. June 20th, at 14 pm, in the IB Postgraduate thesis defense room.
computation – “An architecture for executing compressed code on dedicated systems” (PhD). Candidate: Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo. Advisor: professor Guido Costa Souza de Araújo. June 18th, at 10 am, in the IC1 auditorium - Room 01.
Economy – “University reform and mechanisms to encourage the expansion of private higher education in Brazil (1964-1984)” (master’s degree). Candidate: Cristina Helena Almeida de Carvalho. Advisor: professor Francisco Luiz Cazeiro Lopreato. June 21st, at 14 pm, in Room IE-23 (Pavilion of the Institute of Economics).
Education – “Visual-pictorial ability and mastery of statistical concepts when reading graphs” (doctorate). Candidate: Irene Maurício Cazorla. Advisor: professor Márcia Regina F. de Brito. June 17th, at 14 pm, at the Faculty of Education.
Food Engineering – “Assembly and evaluation of equipment for the deodorization of soy milk by superheated steam entrainment (doctorate). Candidate: Roberto Machado de Moraes. Advisor: professor Roberto Hermínio Moretti. June 24th, at 14 pm, in the Meat Amphitheater of the Department of Food Technology.
Mechanical Engineering – “Effect of grain size on mechanical properties and shape recovery of stainless alloys with shape memory effect” (PhD). Candidate: Fabiana Cristina Nascimento. Advisor: professor Paulo Roberto Mei. June 17th, at 9 am, in Block ID-2 of Mechanical Engineering.
“Analysis and simulation of an evaporative absorber of a water-ammonia absorption system for flake ice production (doctorate). Candidate: Rafael Lincoln Pratts Milanés. Advisor: professor José Tomaz Vieira Pereira. June 20th, at 9 am, in FEM block ID-2.
“Interface shape and pressure gradient in vertically ascending annular liquid-liquid pattern (PhD). Candidate: Oscar Mauricio Hernandez Rodriguez. Advisor: professor Antonio Carlos Bannwart. June 21st, at 9 am, in Block C, 2nd floor of FEM.
“Analysis of fault generators (QFD applied to production)” (master’s degree). Candidate: Luiz Ribeiro Bacellar. Advisor: professor Charly Kunzi. June 21st, at 14 pm, in the auditorium, Block K of FEM.
Physics – “Application of electronic paramagnetic resonance and photoacoustic spectroscopy to the study of Fe (3+) ions in catalytic and clayey materials” (PhD). Candidate: Alberto Garcia Quiroz. Advisor: professor Edson Corrêa da Silva. June 18th, at 14 pm, in the IFGW Postgraduate auditorium.
Geosciences – “The causes of the ineffectiveness of Brazilian legislation in protecting worker health and safety in coal mining – aspects of the work environment” (master’s degree). Candidate: Daniela Antunes Lucon. Advisor: professor Hildebrando Herrmann. June 17th, at 14 pm, in the IG auditorium.
Dentistry – “Cephalometric changes in the facial profile resulting from the treatment of anterior open bite” (master’s degree). Candidate: Sílvia Amélia Scudeler Vedovello. Advisor: professor Darcy Flávio Nouer. June 17th, at 9 am, in the FOP Orthodontics room.
“Influence of cyclosporine-A and nifedipine on alveolar bone loss in periodontitis induced in rats” (master’s degree). Candidate: Patrícia Furtado Gonçalves. Advisor: professor Francisco Humberto Nociti Junior. June 24th, at 9 am, in the FOP Periodontics room.
“Influence of cigarette smoke on repair and bone quality around titanium implants. Histometric studies in rats” (master’s degree). Candidate: João Batista César Neto. Advisor: professor Francisco Humberto Nociti Junior. June 24th, at 14 pm, at FOP.
Chemistry – “Structural studies of 2-monosubstituted 3-methylpropenes (doctorate). Candidate: Ivânia Teresinha Albrecht Schuquel. Advisor: professor Roberto Rittner Neto. June 21st, at 14 pm, in the IQ auditorium (Room IQ-17).
The book Guidelines for informal caregivers, from Editora da Unicamp, will be launched on the 20th (Thursday), at 17:30 pm, in the classroom complex of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM). The publication is the result of a series of courses promoted by a multidisciplinary team from the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM), in order to guide the daily lives of family caregivers, home companions, health professionals and philanthropic entities. Sales information on 3788-7783 or 7786.