IQ chooses Reis as director
Raquel do Carmo Santos
With the proposal to bring together all categories - teachers, students and staff - for think about the future of the Chemistry Institute (IQ) and, based on this, draw up a master plan for future actions, professor Francisco de Assis Machado Reis won the consultation for the IQ board and had his name confirmed by the IQ Congregation and accepted by the rector of Unicamp, Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz. The inauguration ceremony will take place on the 25th, at the institute itself, at a time to be confirmed. To fill the position of associate director, the community was also consulted and Professor Rogério Custódio, from the Department of Physical Chemistry, came first.
According to Reis, the Chemistry Institute today has an excellent academic level that places it among the two main chemistry institutions in the country. “The indicators, including Capes and MEC, point to maximum grades”. In his opinion, however, this should not be a reason for accommodation, but rather an opportunity to seek new heights. Hence the proposal to plan with a more detailed look at the next five or ten years.
Although Reis recognizes that the entire level of excellence achieved by the institute is the result of collective work, he believes that by expanding participation it is possible to achieve more ambitious goals, in teaching and research, by dialoguing with the institute's formal bodies and academic leaders. . As an example of one of the points for reflection, there is the replacement of the teaching staff. According to the new director, the average age of IQ professors is high and many of the researchers already have an established career, which means that retirements could occur in the near future. “This issue requires taking efficient measures to not lose the level of quality and promote the necessary renewal of the teaching staff and, for this, the full participation of the local community is important.”
Another concern of the new director is regarding the expansion of physical space. “We believe that any type of expansion must be done rationally.” How to plan, acquire and renovate the instrumental park is another question to be raised for community discussion.
Within the scope of the University, Reis also intends to participate in discussions about restricting scholarships for postgraduate studies. He believes that actions involving other Unit directors will be necessary to increase the number of scholarships. Making contributions to debates surrounding employees' careers is also part of the new director's plans.
- Born in São Luis do Maranhão, Professor Francisco de Assis Machado Reis dedicated a large part of his academic life to research at Unicamp. He joined the University in January 1976 as an assistant professor and since 1988 he has been a full professor in the Department of Organic Chemistry. He makes a point of noting that in addition to his promotions based on merit, he completed all academic stages through competitive examinations. He graduated in Pharmacy and mastered in Chemistry at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He completed his doctorate at the University of Paris, in January 1976, and a free teaching position at Unicamp in 1986. At Unicamp, he was head of the Organic Chemistry department at IQ and president of the Unicamp Teachers' Association (Adunicamp) from 1999 to 2001. He was national secretary of Health Surveillance (currently Anvisa), and superintendent of the Foundation for Popular Medicine (Furp), in Guarulhos. The entity produces medicine for the Unified Health System (SUS).
Meeting pays tribute
posthumous to Milton Santos
Disciples, partners and former students of Milton Santos – considered the greatest Brazilian geographer, who passed away last year – will meet between the 26th and 28th of June, in the Red Room of Campinas City Hall, for the international meeting Knowing Deep Brazil: Reason and Emotion. According to the organizing committee, this is a posthumous tribute to the Brazilian researcher whose work revolutionized geography.
The meeting will bring together work from students and researchers who worked with him at the Political Geography and Territorial and Environmental Planning Laboratory at USP. In addition to these, researchers from the Geoplan Geographical Research and Territorial Planning Group, from the Unicamp Geosciences Institute, the body that is organizing the meeting, must also present their studies.
The event also intends to encourage reflections that can continue those made by Milton Santos, with the aim of discussing a national project. Professor Maria Adélia Aparecida de Souza, from the Institute of Geosciences, is responsible for coordinating the work.
Registration entitles you to a certificate of participation and can be made at Geoplan/Unicamp, by phone 3788-5118 or email The Red Hall of the City Hall is located at Avenida Anchieta, number 200, in the Center of Campinas.
About the honoree – Professor emeritus at the University of São Paulo (USP), Milton Santos also taught at the Federal University of Bahia until 1964. He taught at several universities in Europe, Africa, South America and North America. Author of vast works that include the issue of urbanization in the Third World and geographic theory and methodology, topics on which he has published several books and numerous articles in Portuguese, Spanish, French, English and Japanese.
The meeting has the support of the Unicamp Geosciences Institute, the Milton Santos Project of Campinas City Hall and the Coordination of Black Community Affairs. (RCS)
Unicamp in the Press
This is
Fapesp's 40th anniversary brought to the pages of Revista Isto É the rector of Unicamp Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, also director of the São Paulo development organization in recent years. “We want to connect academic capacity, involving companies and the public sector as major beneficiaries”, said Brito in the article “Passport of the future”. João Carlos Setúbal, another professor at the University, was interviewed by the magazine for his participation in the Genome project and publication of the group's work in Nature Magazine.
State of Minas
José Augusto Mannis, coordinator of the Contemporary Music Documentation Center (CDMC), participated in the 4th. Meeting of Latin American Composers and Performers, held in Belo Horizonte. He was interviewed by Caderno Pensar, to whom he revealed that “the University is a place where there is respect for cultural diversity and it is good that it continues like this”.
Popular Mail
The Unicamp Cultural Integration and Diffusion Center (Nidic) completed 20 years of founding and celebrated the date with a project to expand the university's creations to the community, called 1st Unicamp Sunday. The performances in the internal theater of the Centro de Convivência de Campinas involved the Children's Orchestra, the Unicamp Symphony Orchestra and shows with instrumental groups from the Music Department of the Institute of Arts.
State Agency
The rector of Unicamp, Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, will leave the presidency of the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (Fapesp), belonging to the state government, reported Agência Estado on June 6. The same news mentioned that Fapesp advisors have already indicated three names for the list that will reach the hands of the governor of São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB), including the linguist Carlos Vogt, former dean of Unicamp. Vogt was the most voted by the councilors and received 12 votes.
DAC requests that
student emails
be activated
Ronei Thezolin
A Academic Board is asking the University's undergraduate and graduate students to activate the recently provided institutional email. According to Antonio Faggiani, Director of DAC, “this activation is extremely important, since all information from academic administration (DAC, Course Coordination, Teachers, University Higher Administration) will be provided via this email”.
Unicamp has around 23 thousand undergraduate and postgraduate students, whether incoming or not, who have email accounts. As this medium has become the communication channel between the University and students, after the implementation of online semester registration, it is essential that the account activation is carried out as quickly as possible so that everyone can receive communications.
According to Faggiani, for students already enrolled, “the access password, which allows the use of the institutional email, is the same one that allows the use of all functions of the Academic Control System, developed on the web and made available to students”. This same password is provided to incoming students each year upon their first registration. “Every four months this password expires and must be changed by the student, through the web system, so that they can continue using the services available”, he added.