Unicamp Today



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Unicamp Newspaper 178 - Page 8

24 to 30 June 2002
Now weekly

In search of the virtuous circle
Businesspeople, researchers and public policy makers discuss at Unicamp the best way to bring together academia, business and the state in a "virtuous circle" that allows the generation of knowledge to lead to the production of wealth and social development. During the discussions, a question arose: who should carry out technological innovation - the university or the industry? The debate was so fruitful that Unicamp decided to make the meeting regular. Pages 2 and 3

Antonina, an unretouched portrait
Researcher Anabela Leandro gathered 780 old photographs and recent studies to support your master's thesis about the decline of the port in the Paraná municipality of Antonina (on the left), who until the mid-20th century was a of the largest in the country. page 9

Human Resources
Dates for new career are defined
The vice-rector of Unicamp, José Tadeu Jorge, announced during a meeting with unit directors the calendar for the project to review the Positions, Salaries and Salary Plan (PCVS) and the resumption of the Certification Plan. page 5

The diversity and different graphic languages ​​of websites produced by designers and artists who use the Internet as a space for creation (above, visual programming by Roger Los) are analyzed in the master's thesis by publicist Hélia Vanucchi.
page 12