Panel of the Week
Searches at Feagri - The Postgraduate Coordination of the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering holds from 2 to 6 (Monday to Friday), the "4th Postgraduate Workshop: The Concentration Areas Workshop". The objective is to enable reflection and discussion of the Postgraduate Course at the Faculty and the presentation of work in oral and poster form to publicize the work developed in the five areas of concentration at Feagri. Programming and information:
Optimization Seminars - The Optimization Seminars, organized every Monday by the Department of Applied Mathematics (DMA) at Imecc, are held at 14 pm, in the DMA Meeting Room (121). Check out the schedule: on the 2nd (Monday), Juliano Francisco gives the lecture "Decomposition and Restoration in KKT Systems".
SAE Lectures - The Student Support Service has scheduled new recruitment talks. On the 3rd (Tuesday), a representative from the company McKinsey, will give a talk in the Central Library auditorium, at 18 pm. On the 17th, it will be Du Pont and on July 1st, Copersucar will close the semester's schedule.
Blood collection - On the 4th (Wednesday), 11th, 17th, 18th and 25th of June, blood collection will be collected at Praça da Catedral (Rua 13 de Maio, center of Campinas), from 8 am to 12 pm with the mobile unit. On the 8th (Sunday) there will be a campaign at Parque Portugal (Av. Heitor Penteado, 1671), in front of the pedal boat access gate, from 9 am to 12 noon. Information: telephone 3788-8720 (Monday to Friday) and 3788-8705 (every day).
Literary readings - The Literary Readings Project of the Department of Literary Theory (IEL) promotes a round table for the entire community with writer Rodrigo Naves and professor Vilma Arêas (Debater) about the book O Filantropo (Cia das Letras), on the 4th (Wednesday -Friday), at 14 pm, in the IEL Collegiate Room. Information: 3788-1513.
Conversations about Music - Other editions of the event Conversas sobre Música continues on the 4th (Wednesday), from 18 pm to 19 pm, in the FE Congregation Room. Registration is done on site. Information: (19) 3788-5565 or email:
Bioethics - The Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba and Unimep organize the 1st Debate Forum of Higher Education Institutions of Piracicaba on Bioethics, on the 4th (Wednesday), at 19 pm, in the Unimep Hall (Rua Boa Morte number 1225). The objective is to promote exchange and joint actions between Piracicaba HEIs and communities on conflicting aspects involving society and the university. The first theme will be "Bioethics and the role of the health professional". On the 11th, at the same time and place, the topic "Transgenic Foods - The controversy and the right to know" will be discussed. Free entrance. Information: (19) 3412-5380/5212.
Copyright - Lecture "Trademarks and copyright in the software area, on the 4th (Wednesday), from 14 pm to 17 pm, in the auditorium of the Technology Center (behind Banco Real). Speaker: Danielly Coutho, lawyer, General Manager of Clarke Modet & Co. from São Paulo. Promotion: Núcleo Softex Campinas. Information: (19) 3287-7060.
Technical Lectures - The Logistics Study Group (GEL) promotes recycling lectures aimed at those interested in the area. On the 5th (Thursday) the theme will be Logistics Operators, in the FEC Auditorium, in the new (blue) ground floor building. Opening hours: from 18:30 pm to 21 pm. Information:
Caregivers - A joint initiative between the HC Social Service and the Department of Clinical Medicine, the 5th Informal Caregivers in Home Care Course will be held on the 6th and 7th (Thursday and Friday). The event, from 8 am to 17:30 pm, will be held in the main hall of the Faculty of Medical Sciences. The course is aimed at caregivers who provide home care. Information: telephone (19) 3788-7250, 3788-7460 and 3788-8014.
Demographic metabolism - Seminar on "Demographic Metabolism", with Alícia Bercovich (IBGE- RJ), on the 5th (Thursday), at 14 pm, in the Auditorium of the Population Studies Center (NEPO). Achievement: Postgraduate Program in Demography - IFCH and Nepo/Unicamp. Information with Maria Ivonete - Phone: (19) 3788 5910 or