Theses of the Week
Biology - "Predatory mite fauna (Acari:Gamasida) of Musca domestic L., in laying bird manure, on a farm in the region of Pirassununga, SP: importance in biological control, integrated management and phoresy." (doctorate degree). Candidate: Tatyana Sacchi Carmona Rodrigueiro. Advisor: professor Angelo Pires do Prado. Day: June 4th, at 9 am, Postgraduate Defense Room/IB.
PE - "The Body and the Sacred: The Rebirth of the Sacred Through the Discourse of Corporeality" (Master's). Candidate: Lenardo Tavares Martins. Advisor: professor Wagner Wey Moreira. Day: June 6th, at 9 am, Mini-Auditorium-IQ.
Food Engineering - "Manufacture of cream cheese and "light" cream cheese from ultrafiltration retentate acidified by fermentation or addition of lactic acid" (PhD). Candidate: Adriana Torres Silva . Advisor: professor Ariene GF Van Dender. Day: June 3rd, at 9 am, Salão Nobre - FEA.
"Antioxidant action of vitamin E on serum and hepatic lipid oxidation in Wistar rats supplemented with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids" (PhD). Candidate: Flávia Queiroga Aranha de Almeida. Advisor: professor Admar Costa de Oliveira. Day: June 2nd, at 14 pm, room 253 - Imecc.
Statistical Mathematics and Scientific Computing - "The evolutionary behavior of an oil slick in Ilha Grande Bay, RJ: Modeling, numerical analysis and simulations" (PhD). Candidate: Rosane Ferreira de Oliveira. Advisor: professor João Frederico from CA Meyer. Day: June 2nd, at 9 am, Salão Nobre - FEA.
Chemistry - "Zeolitic Nanoreators" (PhD). Candidate: Èrica Cristina de Oliveira. Advisor: professor Heloise de Oliveira Pastore. Day: June 6th, at 14 pm, Room 1 FEF Congregation.