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Unicamp Newspaper - May 20 to 26, 2002
Now weekly

Academic life

Panel of the week

Blood Collections - The Hemocentro carries out blood collections with its mobile unit on the 20th, 23rd, 24th and 27th of May, in front of the Cathedral, from 8 am to 12 pm. On the 22nd (Wednesday), collection will be at the Unicamp Basic Cycle, from 8 am to 12 pm.

Educate yourselfr - On the 21st, at 18 pm, the HC Clinical Directorate will promote the lecture "Educating to be: learning to learn", given by Dr. Cláudio Naranjo, honorary president of two Gestalt institutes, associate member of the Cultural Research Institute of London and the US Club of Rome. The lecture will be held in the main hall of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM). Registration at the Clinical Directorate, on the 3rd floor of the HC, with Madalena or Maria Helena. It is necessary to present some document (ID, functional card, student card). Information: phone 3788-8003 or email madalena@hc.unicamp.br.

Voices at school - On the 21st (Tuesday) the lecture "The educational sociolinguistics component in a blended pedagogy course curriculum: reflecting on linguistic competence and communicative competence" will take place. The event is part of the activities of the Vozes na Escola Project and features professor Stella Maris Bortoni-Ricardo, from the University of Brasília. The time will be at 14 pm and the location will be in the IEL Screen Room. On the 22nd (Wednesday), at 16 pm in room CL-02 at IEL, the lecture "Bilateral Curriculum" will take place, organized by professor Marilda Cavalcanti. Information: 3788-1520.

Literary texts - In honor of Henri Doublier, on the 23rd (Thursday), there will be a Recital of poems and literary texts Sonhos", in the IEL Auditorium, at 17:30 pm. Professors Marie Jeanne Calasans and Milton Arruda were invited. Information 3788-1520.

Selection Process for Caism - The Comprehensive Center for Women's Health (Caism) carries out a functional mobility process for the role of Administration Technician I, the vacancy is to work in the Perinatal Genetics Program. The deadline for registration is the 24th (Friday), at the HR/CAISM Secretariat, from 9 am to 12 pm and from 14 pm to 16:30 pm. The interested party must have completed secondary education and be included, at least, in reference 12 (PCVS). Information at RH/CAISM, with Cristiane, on 3788-9322 or 3788-9355.

Dental attendant - Registration for the selection exam for the Dental Office Assistant – ACD course is now open. Until the 24th (Friday), interested parties must present themselves at the FOP (Rua Dom Pedro II, 627 Centro Piracicaba), from 8 am to 16:30 pm. The candidate must present ID, proof of completion of 1st Degree and pay the registration fee of R$20,00. The exam will be on May 27th, at 8:30 am and the interview will be on June 4th, at 8:30 am. The result will be posted on the Faculty's wall on June 6th and 7th, the same period for registration. The duration of the course is six months. Information: (19) 3422-5346 or 3422-5347 and email colfop@merconet.com.br.

Neuroimaging - The Neuroimaging Laboratory, of the Department of Neurology at HC, promotes on the 25th (Saturday), in amphitheater 1 at Legolândia, from 9 am, the 2nd Neuroimaging Course: MR Spectroscopy. The event will cover topics such as magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy, among others. More information: telephone 3788-7483 and 3788-7372, www.lni.hc.unicamp.br or email elikobayashi@yahoo.com.br

25 years of IEL

Professor Aryon Dall'lgna Rodrigues, co-founder of the Institute of Language Studies at Unicamp, held a conference and received honors during the 2nd. Meeting of Researchers in Jê and Macro-jê languages, May 9th. Rodrigues was responsible for introducing research into indigenous languages ​​at Unicamp. The researcher is one of the main references in indigenous studies for following the history of languages. The event is part of the institute's 25th anniversary celebrations program. Important personalities in the history of literature and language are remembered or participate in the celebrations, including the writer Lygia Fagundes Telles, invited to participate in the "Literary Readings" project. The program includes lectures, conferences, extension courses, seminars, recitals and educational projects. The complete program can be seen on the website http://www.unicamp.br/iel

In day

Television - In the month in which it reaches the mark of more than 100 hour-long programs, Memória Expressa interviews its team and reveals its behind-the-scenes stories. And to close the month of May, the ideas of the Municipal Secretary of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Campinas will be announced. Valter Pomar talks about culture, revitalization of the center, encouraging culture and politics. Memória Expressa is produced with the support of the Multimedia Department of the Unicamp Arts Institute, and is shown on TV Universitária - channel 10 of the Net - Campinas.

Universia - Brazilian university students can now read, in Portuguese, articles from the renowned Wharton Business School, at the University of Pennsylvania. Just access www.universiabrasil.net/wharton.jsp. The initiative is the first result of the agreement signed by Univérsia with Wharton Business School, in March, to reproduce content from the business school. Initially, twelve articles are available on the Univérsia Brasil portal on a wide range of topics: public administration, politics, economics, technology management, recruitment, strategic management, marketing and finance, among others.

Buarque de Holanda - A website was launched integrating the set of achievements in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of historian Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, which is celebrated on July 11, 2002. The address will be www.unicamp.br/siarq/sbh. Admirers, relatives, former students, friends, researchers and scholars who benefited from the historian's wisdom can pay tribute through the "Testimonials" link. The site is organized by professionals from Siarq, the Central Library and the IT area of ​​the Rectory's Office. Professor Edgar de Decca participates from the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH). Professionals from the University of São Paulo (USP) also participate in the production.

Tribute - During the 3rd Day of Gynecology and Obstetrics of Campinas and Region and 3rd Meeting of Former Residents of Gynecology and Obstetrics of Campinas, promoted by the Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the State of São Paulo, in Campinas, in April, Professors from the Tocogynecology Department at Caism, Eduardo Lane, Gustavo Antonio de Souza, José Carlos Gama da Silva, João Luiz Pinto e Silva, were honored for their services rendered.

Software - The Oncology discipline at the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM) is using software, developed over 18 months, that manages information about cancer treatment. It organizes data about the patient and the disease, archiving them in a database. It also organizes information on prescribed conduct during treatment. And, for the first time, such data will be available for all of Brazil and Latin America. Currently the material is contained in approximately 800 folders.

Drama - Theater course for Unicamp students and employees. Classes are taught on Mondays and Wednesdays, at 18:30 pm, for a period of one year, by students from the Unicamp Arts Institute. The promotion is from the Adolfo Lutz Academic Center and takes place in the auditorium of the Faculty of Medical Sciences. More information and registration by calling 3788-7942.

Student house - The Unicamp Student Housing Program is making available a booklet containing the new deliberation with the opinions of students and teachers about the Program, published by Editora da Unicamp. In 52 pages, the reader will be able to learn about the general rules that come into force and the process that gave rise to them. "This is the result of the consensus built over two years of dialogue between students, administration and the University Council", states the presentation of the publication.

Public Relations - The Communications and Press Office (Ascom) now offers Unicamp's academic and cultural programming daily, via email. Event information is accepted via email: press@unicamp.br.

Fine Arts - A group of ten visual artists – including professors and undergraduate and postgraduate students from Unicamp – is participating in the Kairós exhibition, at the Espaço Cultural das Faculdades Tancredo Neves, in São Paulo. The exhibition runs until May 28th and contains photographs, objects, photographic collages, transparencies and painting objects. The Cultural Space is located at Avenida Divino Salvador, 876, Moema - São Paulo. Information by phone (11) 5052-4600.

Modern Art - In celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Modern Art Week, the journalist and researcher at Centro de Memória-Unicamp, Amarildo Carnicel, will give the lecture "on the 20th (Monday), at 19:30 pm, at Faculdades Hoyler, in Hortolândia, on the XNUMXth (Monday), at XNUMX:XNUMX pm, at Faculdades Hoyler, in Hortolândia, Cultural envelope: a guided tour of the country through the photos and letters of Mário de Andrade". At the same time, the exhibition "The Photographer Mário de Andrade" will be presented. The program is part of Communications Week promoted by Hoyler.

Paid notebooks - The Gender Studies Center launches the 16th edition of Cadernos Pagu. This time, the theme covered in the articles is "Developments of Feminism" and was organized by IFCH professor, Maria Lygia Quartim de Moraes. Information by telephone (19) 3788-1704 and 3788-7873.

Health budget - Unicamp received R$150 from the Ministry of Health. The investment is intended for renovation works at the university's Hospital das Clínicas, which involves modernizing infrastructure equipment and adapting spaces. The transfer corresponds to the payment of the first installment of a total of R$600 thousand that the Ministry allocated to the University.

Scientific divulgation - At the 26th Specialized Meeting on Science and Technology of Mercosul - Recyt, held in Buenos Aires, on April 17th and 18th, the proposal of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT) for the development of a portal for scientific dissemination for Mercosur. The project aims at scientific integration, through the dissemination of information about S&T between countries in the region.

File - One of the most cited scientists internationally and one of the creators of paraconsistent logic, Professor Newton Carneiro Affonso da Costa donated his personal archive to Unicamp. There are around six thousand documents that include academic correspondence exchanged with other researchers in Brazil and abroad, articles that cite his work, largely unpublished manuscripts, the Scientific Merit diploma received from the Federal University of Paraná in 1998, newspaper clippings , photos and engravings. All material is receiving archival treatment at the Center for Logic, Epistemology and History of Science (CLE) before being incorporated into the collection at the CLE Historical Archives and being made available to the general public. More information on the website www.cle.unicamp.br/arquivoshistoricos or on telephones 3788-6513 and 3788-6514.

Optical fibers - Within a few months the region will have the most modern technological center specializing in optical fibers, the Campinas Technological Center for Continuing Education (Cetec). Optical fibers are the thickness of a strand of hair and have a data transmission speed five times higher than conventional cables and wires. The construction of the building of almost four thousand square meters, on a plot of ten thousand meters, is in the finishing phase. It is located on the Campinas-Mogi-Mirim road axis, in a region known as the Brazilian "Silicon Valley". Cetec is scheduled to open in the second half of this year. The project is from the Instituto Paulista de Ensino e Cultura, with the support of the Ministry of Education, through the Professional Education Reform Program. Cetec will have the most modern computer, electronics, telecommunications and automation laboratories in the country. The investments are in the order of R$3 million.

Essays - The book "Redações do Vestibular Unicamp 2002" is available. The publication is being offered free of charge to the libraries of public high schools in Campinas and the region, as part of an initiative by the Dean of Extension and Community Affairs. The copy can be purchased in the city's bookstores and at Editora da Unicamp at the price of R$ 4,00.

Loans - The Unicamp Cooperative (Cooperunicamp) informs that credit concessions to members will limit the amount to R$3. It also clarifies that the procedures for releasing the amount have been changed. DGRH will reserve the amount, as the installments will be deducted from the payroll. This reservation procedure prevents other payments from being entered on the payroll, causing the Cooperative's portion to be reversed. Any questions can be resolved via email cooperunicamp@hotmail.com or by calling 3788-4479.

Digital mapping - Multispectral is carrying out digital mapping of Unicamp. The objective is to obtain the digital cartographic base of the campus, which has an area of ​​approximately three square kilometers. The work, which should be completed by June, will culminate in a complete digital map and color orthoimage (digital aerial photographs) of the entire area.