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Unicamp Newspaper - May 20 to 26, 2002
Now weekly

Academic life

Job opportunities

Greek language - Public competition to fill a position in RTC (24 hours a week), in the set of subjects Greek Language 1, 2, 3 and 4 and Greek Literature 1 and 2, in the linguistics department of the Faculty of Sciences and Letters, Araraquara campus from Unesp. Remuneration R$ 1.700,23 (Ref. MS-3). From Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 11:30 am and from 14 pm to 17 pm, in the Human Resources Development and Administration Technique Section of the Faculty of Sciences and Letters of the Araraquara Campus, on Rodovia Araraquara-Jau, Km 1, Araraquara/SP . Email information: filie@fclar.unesp.br

Violin Teacher - Public Selection of Exams and Qualifications to fill (01) a role in the Special Part of the UNICAMP Teaching Staff, at the MS-3 level, RTP regime, for a period of (three years) in the area of ​​Interpretive Practices, in the MU-Disciplines 109 to MU-809 "Violin I to VIII" from the Music Department of the Institute of Arts, Unicamp. The tests will take place from May to August 2002, at IA, and the specific dates and locations will be informed to registered candidates through a notice posted at the Secretariat of the Institute of Arts and published in the DOE Information: sdmu@iar.unicamp.br.

Computing Teachers - The Computing Institute (former Department of Computer Science) at Unicamp opened registrations, until May 31, for two selection processes to expand its teaching staff. The Institute is interested in candidates with extensive training in Computing who have already completed their doctorate (or to be completed within the deadlines set out in the notices). The vacancies are for the areas of Databases and Algorithm Complexity with an emphasis on Bioinformatics. Candidates must, in addition to carrying out research and postgraduate activities, be able to teach classes in a wide range of areas at undergraduate level. Salaries for the exclusive dedication regime are: R$ 3.864,00 for the beginning of the career, with a doctorate; R$ 4.606,95 with a full professorship; R$ 5.554,00 for full professor, in addition to possible five-year terms and other advantages. More information: www.ic.unicamp.br/~director/contrata-p.html.

Doctors for Conchal - Registration is open for the Municipal Public Competition for tests and qualifications aimed at filling public positions, under the statutory legal regime, in accordance with current legislation. Among them are doctors in the following specialties: Cardiologist, General Practitioner, Dermatologist, Gynecologist, Neurologist, Orthopedist, Otorhinolaryngologist, Pediatrician, Psychiatrist and Urologist. The complete notice can be consulted online at the following address: www.conchal.sp.gov.br.

Extension at FEA - Check out the extension courses offered by the Faculty of Food Engineering, in the months of May and June. For the month of June Experimental Planning and Process Optimization will be Juice, Nectar and Pulp Processing. The course folder is at the address http://www.fea.unicamp.br by clicking on extension course calendar. Information: 3788-3886 or 3788-4094 - email: extensoo@fea.unicamp.br

social Security - Social Security opens registrations, until August 16th, for those interested in the "2nd Social Security Monograph Prize". The main theme to be developed in the monographs is "Social Security and the Challenges to Expanding its Coverage". The author of the best work will receive a prize of R$10, the second R$5 and the third, R$2,5. The competition is promoted by the Social Security Secretariat of the Ministry of Social Security, in partnership with the National Association of Social Security Tax Auditors (Anfip) and the Anfip Foundation. Interested parties must forward their work, by the deadline, to Anfip's headquarters, in Brasília (Setor Bancário Norte, Quadra 1, Bloco H, CEP 70040-907). The regulations can be consulted on the Ministry's websites www.previdenciasocial.gov.br www.previdenciasocial.gov.br or from Anfip www.anfip.org.br http://www.anfip.org.br .

Communication - The Luiz Beltrão Communication Sciences Award is intended to recognize the quality of academic work carried out at universities or research centers/institutes. Application nominations can be individual or collective, addressed to the Jury: Intercom, Avenida Professor Lucio Martins Rodrigues, 443, block B-9, CEP 05508-900 – São Paulo or fax: (11) 3818-4088, e-mail intercom@edu.usp.br. Nominations will be received until May 31st and pre-selection takes place in June. The diplomas and trophies will be awarded on September 3rd. Other information www.intercom.org.br.

future events

Immunology - The FCM Immunology Discipline promotes the 1st Cycle of Lectures on Clinical Immunology and Allergy on the 28th, from 8:30 am to 12 pm, at Amphitheater I — Legolândia. The cycle is aimed at healthcare professionals. During the meeting, topics such as Allergic diseases: genetic and environmental aspects, Occupational lung disease: immunological aspects, and Sick building syndrome will be covered. Information: telephones 3788-7175 and 3788-7755 (Dr. Natasha Ferraroni - R2 Immunology).

Health services - The International Conference on Operational Research in Health Services at the UFRJ Science and Technology Forum, organized by professor Mário Jorge Ferreira de Oliveira, PhD (COPPE/UFRJ) will be held from July 28th to August 2nd. The theme of the Conference is "Accessibility and Quality of Health Services". A website for the conference can be found at: http://www.po.ufrj.br/~mario_jo/orahs2002/index.htm. Information by email: mario_jo@pep.ufrj.br.

Lato sensu - The 4th Advanced Specialization Course in Psychiatry and Clinical Child Psychology will be held from August 1st to July 31st of next year. It is aimed at doctors (psychiatrists and pediatricians) and psychologists. Other information: psi@head.fcm.unicamp.br

University Extension - The university extension course: Introduction to the Works of Lacan and Winnicott will be held from August 9th to November 14th, 2003. The course is aimed at Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists and Psychoanalysts and researchers in the areas of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis with a completed degree. The meetings will be on Fridays, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. The registration period runs until June 7th. Information: psi@head.fcm.unicamp.br

infectology - The São Paulo Society of Infectious Diseases organizes, from the 14th to the 17th of August, at Engenho Central de Piracicaba (next to the Piracicaba River), the 3rd São Paulo Congress of Infectious Diseases. The event is aimed at health professionals and interested parties. Information: 3417-5008.

IT in Education - Senac -SP will hold on the 23rd and 24th of August the 4th Meeting on Information Technology in Education, the theme of which is "Information and Communication Technologies forming Learning Networks". More details can be obtained via emails kiukawa@sp.senac.br, ljusto@sp.senac.br or through the website http://www.sp.senac.br/educacao.

Nursing - The Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM) promotes the 15th Nursing Meeting in the Surgical Center and Sterile Material Center of Campinas from August 16th to 6th. The event will be at the Campinas Agronomic Institute (Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1.478). Details about the program by calling 3788-7041, 3788-7416 or email enfcc@fcm.unicamp.br.

International Colloquium - The 9th International Conference on the History of Language Sciences will be held from August 29th to September 1st at Unicamp and USP. Information: ichols9@iel.unicamp.br ou www.unicamp.br/iel.

Japanese language - On August 29th and 30th experts will meet for the 13th Meeting of University Professors of Japanese Language, Literature and Culture. It will be at the Japanese Studies Center at USP and is being organized by the Language Teaching Center at Unicamp and the Japanese Course at FFLCH at USP. Information: commission_13encontro@yahoogroups.com.

Agrener 2002 - The 4th Energy Meeting in Rural Environments, organized by the Interdisciplinary Center for Energy Planning (Nipe) will be held between October 29th and 31st, in Campinas. The abstracts of scientific works are being accepted by the organizing committee. Additional information can be found on the website www.unicamp.br/nipe/agrener2002.


Biology - "Studies of the biological characteristics and clonal variation of strains of haemophilus influenzae isolated from patients at the Hospital de Clínicas of the Universidade Estradual de Campinas-Unicamp" (Master's degree). Candidate: Marcelo Lancellotti. Advisor: Wanderley Dias da Silveira. May 20th, at 14 pm, Postgraduate Thesis Defense Room at the Institute of BIology.

Food Engineering - Population dynamics of yeasts characterized by electro-karyotype and fermentative performance in alcoholic fermentation processes" (PhD). Candidate: Cibele Tosin Stroppa. Advisor: Professor Gil Eduardo Serra.*

"Occurrence and development of A. ochraceus in coffee and influence of environmental conditions and infusion preparation on ochratoxin A levels" (Doctorate). Candidate: Gisele Ross Urbano. Advisor: Mauro Faber de Freitas Leitão. May 20th, at 14 pm :30 hours, FEA Noble Hall.

Mechanical Engineering - "Plastic accumulator for dispersed thermal storage" (master's degree). Candidate: Luiz Carlos Dalprat Franco. Advisor: professor Kamal Abdel R. Ismail. May 23rd, at 9 am, in Block ID-2 of FEM.

New president of Funcamp
Professor Bernardino Ribeiro de Figueiredo, from the Institute of Geosciences, is the new director-president of the Unicamp Development Foundation (Funcamp) until 2004, replacing professor José Tomaz Vieira Pereira. Bernardino was director of the Geosciences Institute from 1989 to 1992 and he was joined by professors João Domingos Biagi, as executive director, and Léo Pini Magalhães, as financial director. The inauguration took place on May 8th, at Funcamp and, subsequently, a series of activities at Espaço Cultural do Lago, marked the celebrations of the Foundation's 25th anniversary.