Portal privileges news
Since redesigning its portal (www.unicamp.br), in the middle of last month, Unicamp started using the website's "cover page" to record what happens on campus. This had not happened in Unicamp's eight years on the Internet. The page's 500 monthly hits turn any information into great fact. It can be compared to a large national newspaper. The other pages of the portal and the administrative, teaching and research units account for over 1,5 million hits.
The extent of the portal's reach can be measured by an exhibition by artist Bernardo Caro, a retired professor at the Institute of Arts. A note publicizing the work occupied the highlights column for around 20 days. The information led to a link to the Unicamp Art Gallery, where Caro's paintings were located. Inside the Gallery there was also an icon directing to the artist's personal page, which had just been created. In the days that it was on the portal, this page was accessed by almost 7 thousand people interested in seeing the works of the artist, known for his quality, for his participation in Biennials and for being the official painter of the paintings of the former rectors of the University.
Updating the information contained on the main page of the Unicamp portal is a concern of its editors. Although it does not have the character of being a type of "latest news", exchanged every minute, it aims to show what is main happening on the Barão Geraldo campus, in Campinas, and on the Piracicaba and Limeira campuses. This does not interrupt Unicamp Hoje services (www.unicamp.br/imprensa), journalistic space created three years ago, updated daily with event information and one of the most accessed within the Unicamp environment. Both for the portal and for Unicamp Today, information sent by email is well received press@unicamp.br.
Although immediacy is not the main concern, the inauguration of rector Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz was highlighted on the new portal in the first week of its update. There it was possible to find out who the new rector was and that his inauguration would be broadcast live on the rectory's webcam and on the University Channel, on the cable system. Even before the ceremony in which Professor Hermano Tavares handed over the position to Brito Cruz ended, the page already showed the information, including photos taken using a digital camera.
The portal provides access to the University's administrative, teaching and research units and was redesigned over the last six months by a team from the University's Computing Center. One of the most accessed pages is the Vestibular (www.convest.unicamp.br), mainly during periods when tests are carried out and the successful candidates are announced. In December last year, when the list of those approved for the second phase of the 2002 Entrance Exam was published, more than 300 people consulted the results – 150 in the first 12 hours alone. In the second phase, there were another 200 thousand accesses to the list of those who joined Unicamp this year.
Blood center receives ISO 9002
The Blood Center of Campinas (Hemocamp) received, on the 3rd, in a ceremony held in the auditorium of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (Legolândia), on the Unicamp campus, the ISO 9002 certificate, which will offer international standard quality to blood and blood components (red blood cell and platelet concentrate and plasma) collected and processed by the unit. Hemocamp is one of five public blood centers in Brazil to receive certification. Quality management will involve 35 areas linked to Blood Flow within the institution, including the collection of umbilical cord and placenta cells.
The ISO 9002 certification comes at a time when the institution is close to reaching half a million scholarships collected in 17 years of existence. There were almost two years of training, lectures, development of new procedures and technical audits involving more than 400 Hemocamp employees. The certification was issued by one of the largest and most important certifiers in the world, BVQI – Bureau Veritas Quality Internacional.
"Improving this achieved standard consolidates the institution in different segments of society and will continue to require the evolution of our teaching, research and health care goals", highlights Fernando Costa, former coordinator of Hemocamp and recently appointed Vice-Rector of Research. Of the 4 ISO 9002 Quality Management certificates issued in Brazil, only 26 are from healthcare institutions (hospitals, blood centers and laboratories).Hemocamp collects around 5 bags of blood per month.
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a non-governmental global federation, made up of national standardization bodies, founded in 1947 and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It is made up of more than 100 countries and its objective is to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world, aiming to facilitate international exchanges of goods and services, in addition to developing cooperation in the fields of intellectual, scientific, technological and economic activities. The ISO family emerged in 1987 and today there are around 380 certificates issued around the world.
In Brazil, the first certifications issued occurred in 1990. Today there are around 5.102 certificates in the country. São Paulo is the State with the highest number issued: 2.586, followed by Rio Grande do Sul, with 394, and Minas Gerais, with 388 certificates. The Blood Center Certificate is valid for 3 to 4 years and, during this period, the certifying body carries out periodic audits to ensure the maintenance of the system.
Unicamp in the Press
* The State of São Paulo
Expanding the idea of multidisciplinarity is one of Unicamp's academic challenges for the next four years. The interview with rector Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz was given to the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo and can be read at http://www.estado.com.br/editorias/2002/05/11/ger016.html
* Popular Mail
The Ministry of Health releases funds of 150 thousand for renovation and modernization works at the Hospital das Clínicas (HC). The Hemocentro de Campinas, based at Unicamp, has just received the ISO-9002 certificate, as highlighted by Correio Popular.
Unicamp researchers, as reported by Folha de São Paulo, created Scylla, a company incubated at a university and which will work in the area of bioinformatics. The group, which worked on genome sequencing, has financial support from the Votorantim Group.
* Mercantile Gazette
The series of books Nossa História, coordinated by professor Ernesta Zamboni, from the Faculty of Education (FE) and launched by Editora da Unesp, shows the prehistory of Brazil. "The ancient inhabitants of Brazil", by Pedro Funari, from the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH) is one of the books, according to Gazeta Mercantil.
* Popular Mail
The use by Campinas City Hall of gravel with suspected toxic contamination resulted in several reports by the city's media outlets. Unicamp was invited to analyze the product and should deliver a report at the beginning of June, according to information from Correio Popular.
Economist Márcio Pochmann, from Unicamp, was interviewed by Folha de S.Paulo, which portrayed the problem of young people not getting jobs. Pochmann reaffirmed to Folha de S. Paulo that there really is no job for everyone.
* Popular Mail
The newspaper Correio Popular highlighted the lack of rain in the region. Professor Hilton Silveira Pinto, from the Center for Teaching and Research in Agriculture (Cepagri), was interviewed on the topic.
The newspapers Folha de S.Paulo and Correio Popular, among others, presented an article about unprecedented research carried out by the Center for Public Policy Studies (Nepp) at Unicamp, at the request of the City of Campinas. The work reveals that there are at least 252 children and young people, aged between 7 and 17, carrying out work activities on the city's streets.
* The State of S. Paul
The three public universities in São Paulo - Unicamp, USP and Unesp - announced the dates of their entrance exams for 2003 in April, a fact recorded by the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo in its online edition on the same day. The same newspaper highlighted the participation of Editora da Unicamp in the Biennale.
* Popular Mail
The proliferation of the W32Klez.H@mm virus, which affected University computers, was highlighted in Correio Popular and Diário do Povo.