The size key
Research coordinated by pediatrician Antonio de Azevedo Barros Filho, from the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM) at Unicamp, is evaluating the evolution of height and sexual maturity of children and young people between 7 and 18 years old of Campinas, linking the changes to socioeconomic conditions. The survey, the first of its kind in the country, covers a universe of seven thousand interviewees and is nearing completion. The researchers' expectation is that the study will serve as a tool to assist in planning public policies.
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The challenges of the knowledge society
Professor Helio Waldman (photo), from the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, analyzes the impact of new technologies on the job market and universities. �There is a cloud of knowledge that hovers around. The important thing is not so much that you carry your luggage, but rather that you are able to move around in this cloud and capture the right knowledge, in the right place and at the right time, he assesses.
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Copaba oil against cancer
Researchers from IQ and CPQBA synthesize substances extracted from copaiba oil and obtain encouraging results against nine strains of cancer. Scientists also tested pine pitch (in the photo, Professor Paulo Imamura) in the fight against tuberculosis.
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To foster innovation
The first project to be developed by Unicamp's Innovation Agency will be the installation of a technology park that will house companies and research institutes focused on innovation. The announcement was made by rector Brito Cruz (above) during the Campinas Inova event, which on the 15th brought together 500 participants at the Unicamp Convention Center. Page 4