Panel of the week
Optimization - The Department of Applied Mathematics (DMA) holds Optimization Seminars on Mondays. The meeting, which brings together experts in the field, takes place at 14 pm (room 121), at the DMA. More information by phone 19-3788-5950 or email. Day 3, Paulo Silva (visitor) talks about “Inexact resolution of augmented Lagrangian subproblems”.
Administration Technician - The Institute of Biology (IB) opens registrations - functional mobility process - to fill an administration technician vacancy. The selected candidate must work in the secretariat of the IB Parasitology Department. Registration can be made until the 3rd. For more information, call 19-3788-6352.
Food - The Faculty of Food Engineering (FEA) will be open for registration from the 3rd to the 21st of May for the 23rd Food Engineering Week. The event is organized by fourth-year undergraduate students from the Food Engineering course at FEA. The program includes extension courses, lectures, visits to industries and debates related to the topic. The meeting takes place from July 18th to 24th.
TelEduc - The Computing Center (CCUEC) and the Unicamp Professional Training Agency (AFPU) offer, on May 4th, from 14 pm to 17 pm, the “Tutorial: TelEduc - Distance Education Environment”. The event takes place in the CCUEC Auditorium and registration can be done on the website
Cinematograph - With the proposal to revive the social movements of the 50s and 60s, the Cinematographo Session, from the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH) shows, until May 31st, the film cycle “Origens do Cinema Novo”. On the 3rd, at 18:30 pm, “Assalto ao Trem Pagador”, by Roberto Farias, will be shown. The sessions take place in the IFCH auditorium. More information via email
National Internship Meeting - The III National Internship Meeting (ENE), held by the Forum of Undergraduate Pro-Rectors of Brazilian Universities (ForGRAD), takes place on the 3rd and 4th, in Campinas. The opening of the event is scheduled for the 3rd, at 9 am, in the auditorium of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM). With the theme “For a National Internship Policy”, the meeting continues the discussions and referrals that took place in 2003, on the occasion of the II ENE, held in São Paulo, where the definition of internship was approved as a “pedagogical strategy under the responsibility of the Institution of Higher Education (HEIs), in line with its pedagogical project”. The objective of the III ENE is to advance the discussion and formulate a proposal for the implementation of a national policy, which includes the legal-normative and pedagogical bases appropriate to the conception. On the event page ( there is information about registration and the schedule. The meeting is supported and organized by the Student Support Service (SAE) and ForGRAD. For further information, call 19-3788-4877 or email
International Colloquium at IFCH - The Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH) hosts, from May 3 to 7, in its auditorium, the International Colloquium “On Humiliation: feelings, gestures and words”. The meeting is supported by the Dean of Postgraduate Studies (PRPG). More information by calling 19-3788-1652.
Arts and Multimedia - The 4,5th Research Meeting in Arts and Multimedia (Epam) entitled “Center and Periphery” takes place on the 6th, XNUMXth and XNUMXth, at the Institute of Arts (IA). More information on the website or email
Humanities, Seas and Rivers at IFCH - The Center for Rural Studies (Ceres) of the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH) promotes, on the 5th and 6th, in the Unit's thesis room, the XNUMXst Humanities, Seas and Rivers Meeting (Humar). The goal is to promote integration between University researchers from other institutions, as well as fishermen and caiçaras. Registration can be done via email
Lecture at FEM – “Biomass for Energy - The experiences of the University of Zaragoza-Spain” is the theme of the lecture that professor Jesús Arauzo (University of Zaragoza) gives, on the 5th, from 14 pm to 16:30 pm, in the ID2 Auditorium, of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering ( FEM). The organization is part of the Interdisciplinary Area of Energy Systems Planning (Aipse) of FEM, Bioware Tecnologia, and the Interdisciplinary Center for Energy Planning (Nipe). More information by email
Adunicamp - Professors José Dari Krein (Unicamp) and Marina Barbosa Pinto (UFF) discuss, on the 6th, the topic “University and Union Reforms: connections and consequences”. The lecture is part of the SOS Public University Reform or Demolition Debate Cycle, a meeting that the Unicamp Teachers' Association (Adunicamp) promotes, at 12 noon, in its auditorium. The cycle, which began last month, continues until May 19th.
Lecture at CCUEC - “Mental health and stress” is the theme of the lecture that psychologist Maria Elenice Quelho Areias, from the Community Health Center (Cecom) gives, on the 7th, from 9 to 11 am, in the Auditorium of the Computing Center (CCUEC). More information by email
Pibic/CNPq and Research Grants - The Dean of Research (PRP) offers, at the address, the calendar and rules for registration with the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarships - Pibic/CNPq and SAE/Unicamp Research Scholarships. Registration can be made until the 7th.
Paulo Freire Seminar - Registration for the II Paulo Freire Seminar is now open. The event will be held on May 12th, starting at 9 am, at the Convention Center. Registration can be made at the Department of Educational Administration and Supervision (Dase), of the Faculty of Education (FE). Organized by the Paulo Freire Library, the event has the support of the Dean of Extension and Community Affairs (PREAC), the Municipal Department of Education (Fumec) and Metrocamp. More information by phone 3788-5556 or email
Health - Registration is open for the 14th Meeting of Health Secretaries. They can be made until the 7th. The opening of the event will take place on the 13th, from 14 pm to 17 pm, in the Main Hall of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM). The meeting is open to secretaries of Unicamp, Funcamp and other institutions. Registrations can be made by depositing at Banespa, branch (0033), current account 0207-000608521056, in 4 installments of R$30 or a single installment of R$100. The event runs until September 30th. More information by calling 19-3788-8002.
Visit the Editora da Unicamp bookstore in the Central Library building. Phone 3788-7000
Brazilian modernism and Portuguese modernism Subsidies for your study and to the history of your relationships
Arnaldo Saraiva
Masterful study devoted to cultural and literary relations between Brazil and Portugal during the modernist period. It presents a broad, deep and complex overview of what the movement was in Portuguese. The reader will find here, whether in the author's analyses, or in the dozens of little-known documents that are finally printed in volume, many elements that affirm the need to review concepts crystallized in the historiographical tradition about Brazilian Modernism.
Pages: 680 - Year: 2004
Price: $ 60,00
Introduction to the story of mathematics
Howard Eves
Translation: Hygino H. Domingues
In addition to the historical narrative, which covers the history of mathematics from Antiquity to modern times, the book adopts pedagogical resources, such as exercises at the end of each chapter. Some chapters are introduced by cultural panoramas of the period covered. It can be used by undergraduate and postgraduate students and secondary and higher education teachers, both in mathematics and history or education.
Pages: 844 - Year: 2004
Price: $ 65,00
The other side of Brazilian family
Female heads of households (1765-1850)
Paulo Eduardo Teixeira
It studies the process of occupation and economic development in the Campinas region, highlighting the role of women in one of the first sugar and coffee population fronts. Based on documents and dialogue with updated historiography, it highlights the fiber of women from Itu, Sorocaba, Atibaia, Bragança and even further afield - widows, married to absent husbands or single - who survive from their own work, raise children and support poor relatives.
Pages: 258 - Year: 2004
Price: $ 32,00
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