Previous Editions | Press room | PDF version | Unicamp website | Subscribe to JU | Edition 250 - from May 3th to 9th, 2004
Read this issue
Memory: Theotônio’s house
They can be twins
Supplements at the gym
Diet inhibits ulcers
Antonio Candido
Monicelli's film
Sex education in schools
FCM: rare disease gene
Bottle to replenish energy
Garapa on the shelves
Darwin in nanotechnology
Panel of the week
Unicamp in the media
Job opportunities
Theses of the week
The minimum
In search of treasure


Unicamp in the media

National Journal
April 26 - Scientists from the University of Campinas today presented the first Brazilian car powered by hydrogen that does not emit any type of pollutant. It is silent, efficient and does not pollute. That is why it is considered the car of the future.

Valor Econômico
April 26 - It is not just in Brazil that European products are losing competitiveness. Exports from countries that adopted the euro reached the equivalent of US$1,053 trillion in 2003, a drop of 3% compared to 2002, according to the European Commission's Statistics Office (Eurostat). These countries are Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal and Finland. “The appreciation of the euro caused considerable damage to European exports”, explains Unicamp professor Luiz Gonzaga Belluzzo. In 2003, the euro appreciated by around 30% against the dollar.

April 26 - Researchers at Unicamp's Faculty of Mechanical Engineering developed a machine capable of reusing goldsmith's remains and avoiding environmental contamination. The machine, which is now ready for sale, was well received by jewelry manufacturers, who lose gold in the production process and are forced to spend money on depositing waste.

Popular Mail
April 24 - The soap opera that has been going on for three years surrounding the signing of the agreement for the shared management of the Monsenhor Emílio José Salim Ecological Park, in Campinas, should come to an end this week. The guarantee was given on Saturday by Governor Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB), during a visit to cities in the Campinas region. The governor also announced that the State is joining forces to install a campus of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) in Limeira, one of the priorities for the city. “The university is working on this new campus, but this needs to be approved by Cruesp (Council of Rectors of São Paulo State Universities), by the council of rectors and the government has put all the money from the 9,57% ICMS and something else to help expansion”, highlighted the governor.

Online Diary
April 24 - The 3,3% drop in consumption by Brazilian families last year, compared to 2002, caused the destruction of 897 thousand jobs, calculates UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) economist Carlos Eduardo Young based on data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics). Political issue – The problem of unemployment in Brazil is much more a political issue than a technical one, said this Friday the Secretary of Labor of the city of São Paulo and professor at Unicamp Márcio Pochmann.


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