Previous Editions | Press room | PDF version | Unicamp website | Subscribe to JU | Edition 250 - from May 3th to 9th, 2004
Read this issue
Memory: Theotônio’s house
They can be twins
Supplements at the gym
Diet inhibits ulcers
Antonio Candido
Monicelli's film
Sex education in schools
FCM: rare disease gene
Bottle to replenish energy
Garapa on the shelves
Darwin in nanotechnology
Panel of the week
Unicamp in the media
Job opportunities
Theses of the week
The minimum
In search of treasure



Blow of 64 - 1
I read the report "From the Paris barricades to the UNE Congress" and I was very proud to work at FCM/Unicamp, the scene of some of the events revealed in the article. Furthermore, I thought the way found to describe this fact was brilliant.
Luciana Vagnes

Blow of 64 - 2
I would like to congratulate Jornal da Unicamp for its edition on the 40th anniversary of the military coup.
I congratulate them on publicizing the relations between Zeferino Vaz, who considered himself "a revolutionary from 1964", with the military. However, it is good to read the truth, even when it is ugly.
Marcos Vicentini

Epilepsy - 1
I was very pleased to learn about the work of doctor Li Li Min, who was involved in a campaign for the benefit of people with epilepsy. I would like to propose that we think about better dissemination of the symptoms of the disease in Brazil, since, due to lack of knowledge on the subject, especially in the first crises, the problem is treated in emergency rooms and outpatient clinics in a negligent manner. I know of cases in which patients are treated post-crisis in the emergency room and are not advised to undergo treatment. They only indicate medication such as painkillers, or for the stomach....Sad. More needs to be said about the subject.
Thank you,
Marta Fontenele

Epilepsy - 2
Congratulations on the initiative of Doctor Li Li Min, from the Department of Neurology at the Faculty of Medical Sciences at Unicamp. Excellent article. I think other professionals should join the work developed by the doctor. I will provide tips on how to care for a patient and disseminate the information.
Maria Helena Zadra


PRESS ROOM - � 1994-2003 State University of Campinas / Press Office
Email: - University City "Zeferino Vaz" Barão Geraldo - Campinas - SP