Operation in Ribeira - Until May 15th, Unicamp's Dean of Extension receives work plans (printed and by email) from teams interested in participating in the new Rondon Project notice. In this new phase, Operation Vale do Ribeira will be carried out, from July 15th to 28th, in Paraná and São Paulo. The material should be sent to Amauri Cunha, from Preac (amauri@unicamp.br). Each team will be made up of six students and two teachers, and the full name of its members, unit, course, telephone number and contact email must be provided. The work plan must detail how the higher institution intends to develop each action, including type of activity, target audience, duration and methodology to be used. Projects in the areas of citizenship, well-being, sustainable local development and public management will be accepted. The action lines are detailed on the Ministry of Civil Defense. Information: (19) 3788-7641.
Tobar Acosta Award - Professors Emílio Carlos Elias Baracat, Sigisfredo Luís Brenelli and Angélica Maria Bicudo receive on the 15th, at 11 am, in the Noble Hall of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM), the “Miguel Ignácio Tobar Acosta” Undergraduate Teaching Incentive Award. The award was given to teachers for their efforts in implementing the FCM curriculum reform. The award, created by the director of FCM, Lilian Teresa lavras Costallat, is a tribute to the physician who founded the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine at FCM. Information: (19) 3788-8968.
Curriculum reconfiguration - “The Meanings of Pedagogical Projects in the Process of Curricular Reconfiguration of Higher Education: The case of Unioeste/PR” is the theme of the lecture that professor Carmen Célia Bastos (Unioeste/PR) gives on the 15th, at 9 am, in the classroom congregation of the Faculty of Education (FE). It is carried out by the Higher Education Studies and Research Group (Gepes/FE). Information: (19) 3788-5565.
Litero-Musical Soiree - The Unicamp Technical College (Cotuca) will hold on the 16th and 17th, from 12 to 13 pm and from 18 to 19 pm, in its main hall, the 3rd Literary-Musical Soiree. Registration can be made until the 15th, at the Cotuca Library. Information: (19) 37758622.
Conversation with the Author - On the 16th, at 11 am, in the auditorium of the Institute of Language Studies (IEL), Editora da Unicamp welcomes the writer Milton Hatoum. He participates in a chat at the 7th “Conversation with the Author” meeting, an event organized by the Editora. Hatoum is the author of the works “Ashes of the North”, “Two Brothers” and “Relato de um Certain East”.
ATUs and ATDs Forum - The Forum for Technical Assistants of Directors (ATDs) and Units (ATUs) takes place on the 17th, from 9 am to 11 am, in the auditorium of the General Directorate of Administration (DGA). The next meetings are scheduled for June 21st, August 16th, September 20th, October 18th, November 22nd and December 13th, at the same time and place. Information: (19) 3788-4715.
Paulo Freire Seminar - The 17th Paulo Freire Seminar, “Update on Paulo Freire's Idea”, will be held on the 8th, from 18 am to XNUMX pm, at the Unicamp Convention Center. The event will open with a presentation by Unibanda. Registration can be made up until the day of the seminar via address. Agenda. Information: (19) 3788-7412.
Hardware and desktops - The Equipment Maintenance Center (Cemeq) organizes on the 18th, starting at 10 am, in auditorium II of the Unicamp Convention Center, four lectures that aim to debate technological trends for server and desktop hardware. In the opening lecture, scheduled for 10 am, Antonio Rivera, systems engineer at Intel, discusses “Trends in Server Technologies”. Next, at 11:15 am, André Gardinalli (Silicon Graphics) talks about “Success Stories in the Application of Itanium Servers”. At 14 pm, Fidel Rios (Intel) addresses “Technology trends for desktops and notebooks”. The meeting will end at 15:30 pm, with the lecture “Trends in Disk Storage Technologies”, to be given by Seagate applications engineer, Carlos Valero. Information: (19) 3788-5049.
Course with Yves Clot - Professor Yves Clot, from the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (Paris), teaches the course “Aspects of the historical-cultural perspective” from the 23rd to the 25th, from 9am to 12pm, in the congregation room of the Faculty of Education (FE). The meeting will discuss the topics “Development and psychological functioning in Vygotsky’s Psychology” and “Bakhtin, Vygotski et Leontiev and the question of meaning”. Registration until the 22nd by email ateventofe@unicamp.br. Information: (19) 3788-5565.n
Mario Fiori - Until the 19th, the Unicamp Art Gallery hosts the exhibition of paintings “Ruas, Praças e Desertos”, by the artist Mário Fiori. The exhibition, which opened on the 26th, can be visited from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 17pm. The Art Gallery is located in the “César Lattes” Central Library building (BC-CL). Information: (19) 3788-6561.
Applied Biochemistry - The Unicamp Extension School (Extecamp) receives until May 15th, for Internet, or directly at your unit (Av. Roxo Moreira, 1831, Unicamp campus), registration for the course “Biochemistry Applied to the Clinical Laboratory”. The course is aimed at healthcare professionals who want to acquire specific knowledge in the area. Information: (19) 3788-4646.