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Partnership with Petrobras
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Latin America
Mandarin 24
Genézio and the libraries
Dermatology: rare disease
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Unicamp in the media
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Mechanical Engineering


Unicamp in the Media

Folha de S. Paul

7 of May - A scholarship of R$100 per month for young people to return to school is causing different realities in the country. While in the South and Southeast only half of the vacancies in ProJovem – a federal government program for the education of young people and adults that became one of the flagships of the Lula administration – were filled, in the Northeast the race for the program is such that there are almost twice as many registered for available vacancies. The researcher at the Center for Public Policy Studies at Unicamp, Rodrigo Pereyra de Sousa Coelho, states that in the North and Northeast a primary education diploma yields more job opportunities than in the South and Southeast.

8 of May - Vaccines, new medicines and treatments for diseases such as cancer still depend on animal testing, say researchers from Fiocruz and universities in São Paulo. Ana Maria Guaraldo, president of Unicamp's animal experimentation ethics committee, says that the use of animals in biomedical and veterinary research should be treated as a contribution to human health.

9 of May - Laypeople may have the impression that exotic species are made up of extravagant organisms. The technical meaning of the term refers to the species introduced accidentally or intentionally into an ecosystem. The theme is recurrent in entrance exams. Unicamp, in 2000, raised a question that dealt with the introduction of fish (tilapia, rainbow trout, carp) in more than 60 countries and asked the student two possible consequences of the introduction of exotic fish into rivers and lakes.

Last Second

6 of May - The nationalization of Bolivia's gas reserves could have a positive impact on Brazil: accelerating Petrobras' investments in the Campos Basins, in Rio de Janeiro, and Santos, in São Paulo. The assessment is by professor at the Center for Petroleum Studies (Cepetro) at Unicamp Saul Suslick. “Fatally, what will happen now is that, with this crisis, Petrobras will probably accelerate the schedule of these projects, especially in Mexilhão (SP). I am almost certain that there will be international partners interested in participating, due to the proximity to the consumer market,” he said.

Popular Mail

6 of May - In less than three months, the use of child seats attachable to vehicles for children aged 0 to 10 will become mandatory, according to the president of the National Traffic Council (Contran) and director of the National Traffic Department (Denatran), Alfredo Peres. da Silva, during the national seminar on Children and Safety 2006 - Issues and Solutions, held yesterday at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FEM) at Unicamp. The meeting began with a meeting in the morning, followed by a dispute between participants and courses to teach about installing car seats.


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