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Partnership with Petrobras
Operator health
Latin America
Mandarin 24
Genézio and the libraries
Dermatology: rare disease
Panel of the week
Unicamp in the media
Book of the week
Unicamp website
Mechanical Engineering


Book of the Week

Chromatography Fundamentals

Organization: Carol H. Collins
Gilberto L. Braga
Pierina S. Bonato

Revised and updated edition of Introduction to chromatographic methods, this book presents basic principles of chromatography, describes the different chromatographic techniques and brings together suggestions for experiments. It is intended for use in undergraduate courses or as an introductory book to chromatographic separation techniques for postgraduate students, and can also be used by researchers who intend to use chromatography as a tool in their experiments.

ISBN 85-268-0704-8 – Pages: 456
Edition: 1 – Size: 16x23 cm.
Year: 2006 – Price: R$ 68,00

Visit the Editora da Unicamp bookstores in the Central Library building - Phone 3788-7030 and in the IEL building - Phone 3788-4140

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PRESS ROOM - � 1994-2005 State University of Campinas / Press Office
Email: press@unicamp.br - University City "Zeferino Vaz" Barão Geraldo - Campinas - SP