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Partnership with Petrobras
Operator health
Latin America
Mandarin 24
Genézio and the libraries
Dermatology: rare disease
Panel of the week
Unicamp in the media
Book of the week
Unicamp website
Mechanical Engineering



Invesalius (1)
We have to give a standing ovation and take off our hats. Engineer Ailton Santa Bárbara definitely breaks a major barrier, as the usefulness of the software he developed [Invesalius, edition 320] not only makes life easier for us surgeons, but, above all, crushes the prices of prototyping. It makes it easier, in particular, for those who here in the Northeast are unable to pay the equivalent of R$800, in addition to the cost of postage to and from Brasília so that prototypes can be made, with the aim of assisting in our orthognathic and dental implant surgeries.
José Aloysio Carvalho Oliveira, dental surgeon, professor at UFS

Invesalius (2)
Congratulations, Ailton Santa Bárbara. It's always wonderful to know that someone is concerned about alleviating surgical risks by perfecting new and effective techniques. May your search not stop there. Success!
Maria de Lourdes D. Santos

The Mandarin (1)
Perhaps it would be interesting for the author of the articles (in the book) about “Mandarin” to read the pronouncement of the Nazi rector, Heidegger, in the translation by Fausto Castilho, and the introduction by the same professor Fausto Castilho to this nefarious pronouncement; I think it would allow some comparison, perhaps favorable to Heidegger.
Mario Martins de Lima

The Mandarin (2)
When reading issue No. 321, I felt like an integral part of the story, as the narratives coincide with the period in which I studied a “new” (at the time) course: a bachelor’s degree in Statistics. I am from the Class of 1974 (2nd semester), the one that first took, and, it seems, raised, the name of Unicamp Statistics in the job market, as it was the “one that first showed up outside university campuses”, carrying out what Professor Rubens Murillo Marques proposed to us at the time. I would like to highlight that in the episode in which the Statistics professors left (beginning of 1972) – an episode that became known among us students as the “cariocada”, as they were originally from Rio de Janeiro, they cared little about our situation. of students – we lost classes for a short time, but we gained a lot, because until Master Murillo could “import” new teachers from Latin America and Europe, he took over classes in various subjects and, together with Prof. Maria Eliza Fini, did not “he dropped the ball”, fortunately for us, his students.
José Messias Tréz

Firstly, I congratulate this university for encouraging students to carry out projects for the benefit of humanity, helping those most in need. I found this report about the motorization of manual wheelchairs very interesting. Right now I'm looking for chairs that are motorized, as my father has a muscular disability and doesn't have the strength to push his own chair alone and I stumbled upon the price, which is unaffordable. I would very much like to congratulate Flávia Alvarenga for taking the initiative to present such a project. When will we be able to enjoy this wonder at such an affordable price?
Vânia MM Zein

Unlike what was published at the opening of the article “Regarding beliefs around believers” (page 4 of issue 322), it was not Bishop Edir Macedo who kicked the image of Our Lady of Aparecida, but another bishop of the Universal Church Kingdom of God, Sérgio von Helder. Readers Lineu Silva and Mário Martins de Lima remember that this bishop ended up away from the church. Researcher Karina Kosick Bellotti corrects the expression “prejudice of Catholics”, used in the subtitle, stating that the correct word is “non-evangelicals”, since prejudice does not only come from Catholics. Bellotti also clarifies that the purpose of his master's thesis “was not to apologize for any group – if I institute a debate about tolerance, I am combating prejudice”.



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