At least twenty organized groups - made up of teachers, students and volunteer employees - develop the most varied projects with the population, from adult literacy and cultural events for needy children, to recreational activities for hospital patients and assistance to small farmers. For this edition, people involved in social programs and others who benefit from this citizenship movement were interviewed. Pages 4 e 5
Ibope Collection shows
how life was led
more than half a century ago
A public opinion survey from 1942, pointing out the preferences of São Paulo residents in relation to hygiene, beauty, food and pharmaceutical products, opens the Ibope Collection donated by the institute to the Edgard Leuenroth Archive (AEL) at Unicamp. It is a very rich collection available to scholars of the political and cultural history of Brazil. Jornal da Unicamp begins a series of reports with the research that draws the most attention in the first ten years of Ibope surveys, including topics that go beyond market interests, such as behavior, health, education and the cold war. Pages 6 and 7