Educational management - The closing ceremony of the postgraduate course (lato sensu) in Educational Management at Unicamp will take place on the 31st, at 11 am, at the Unicamp Gymnasium. On this occasion, around 3.700 posters will be presented to the public. The event coordinator expects to receive more than 4 thousand visitors.
PGEP course - The Public Strategic Management Program (PGEP) seeks to train Brazilian public administration leaders to formulate, implement and evaluate public policies, and to face typical problems in their government environments. Given the interest that has arisen outside the Metropolitan Region of Campinas, a semi-in-person version of the course is being offered in order to reduce the need for travel. The course will last 120 hours, with only six face-to-face meetings. Find out more about the proposal by visiting the address and browsing the pages.
Symposium - The Educational Management Laboratory (Lage) of the Faculty of Education (FE) will hold on the 26th, starting at 8 am, at the Convention Center, the symposium “Educational Management: Realities and Commitments”. Its target audience is professionals who work in the field of Education. Details.
Launch - Researcher Solange Bento Farah, responsible for implementing the Human Genetics Laboratory at the Center for Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering at Unicamp, launches on the 26th, at 11 am, at the Espaço das Artes of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM), the book “ DNA Secrets & mysteries”. Information: 19-3521-8968.
Visit - On the 28th and 29th, Unicamp receives a visit from Hugo Ugartemendía, coordinator of academic exchanges at the University of Buenos Aires, and Gabriel Venturino, director of the School of Graduates in Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications. They will be welcomed at 12 noon, at the Institutional and International Relations Coordination (Cori). At the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering (Feagri), they participate in meetings with students, teachers and undergraduate and postgraduate coordinators. Details.
Bioethics Themes - The Bioethics and Medical Ethics Group of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM) will hold a lecture on the 26th, at 19:30 pm, in the main hall of the FCM, with members of the Palliative Care Group of the Center for Comprehensive Attention to Women's Health (Caism). The meeting is part of the “Bioethics Themes” activity. Others information.
Colloquium at IFGW - “Asymmetry between matter and antimatter: What can we learn from the LHC?” is the theme of the colloquium that professor Leandro de Paula, from the Institute of Physics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), discusses on the 29th, at 16 pm, in the auditorium of the “Gleb Wataghin” Institute of Physics (IFGW). Details.
Re-registration 2007 - By April 1st, all public employees in the state of São Paulo must complete mandatory re-registration via the internet. In accordance with Article 3 of State Decree 51.468/2007, which established the procedure, public servants who, without justification, fail to re-register within the established period will have their salary payment suspended. To carry out the procedure, simply access the website.
Sispot 2007 - The Meeting of Researchers in Power Systems (SisPot) takes place between April 2nd and 4th, at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FEEC). More details in electronic page.
Contests - The Faculty of Chemical Engineering (FEQ) receives, until April 2nd, applications for the free teaching competition in the area of Phase Equilibrium Thermodynamics. They can be done from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 12 pm and from 14 pm to 17 pm, at the FEQ Secretariat (Avenida Albert Einstein, 500, Cidade Universitária “Zeferino Vaz”, in Campinas-SP). It is intended for higher education graduates, holders of a doctorate degree, awarded at least 3 years before the date of registration. Registration will be made by means of a request addressed to the director of (FEQ), professor Osvaldir Pereira Taranto, indicating name, age, affiliation, place of birth, identity, marital status and address, accompanied by the documents contained in the Official Gazette of 1/3/2007 , or in e-mail. Information: 19-3521-3981.
Holography - The Holography exhibition, organized by professor José Joaquín Lunazzi, from the “Gleb Wataghin” Institute of Physics (IFGW), enters its fifth consecutive year. It is open to public visits until December. The exhibition is didactic and lasts an hour and a half, with a class on image optics and demonstrations of holograms and holographic television. Opening hours: to be arranged. Registrations.
Deans Gallery - The formal installation session of the portrait of the former rector of Unicamp, professor Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, at the Unicamp Rectors' Gallery, will take place on April 9th. It will be at 9:30 am, in the University Council Room (Consu). The gallery was created in 1985, during the tenure of professor José Aristodemo Pinotti (1982-1986). Located in the Consu anteroom, there are paintings by former rectors Hermano Medeiros Ferreira de Tavares, Paulo Renato Costa Souza, José Aristodemo Pinotti, Carlos Alberto Vogt, José Martins Filho, Zeferino Vaz and Plínio Alves de Moraes.
Chair - The Unicamp Ibero-American Chair Program, made possible at Unicamp by the Coordination of Institutional and International Relations (Cori), receives, until April 10, proposals for activity plans to be developed in Spanish universities. Details.