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Cipa Election - The election of members of the Internal Commission for the Prevention of Accidents at Work (CIPA) takes place on March 11th and 12th, from 9 am to 16 pm, with the exception of units whose activities are carried out at night or in shifts, which will have extended hours according to your needs. Voting is mandatory. Details.

Ceset exhibition - The Superior Center for Technological Education (Ceset) is holding, until March 11th, in the hall of the unit's classroom pavilion, the photography exhibition “Ceset and its 20 years”. Other information: 19-2113-3365.

Oscar Niemeyer - Room CA-37, intended for undergraduate work (TFG) of students on the Architecture and Urban Planning Course at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning (FEC), will be renamed on March 12th, “Oscar Niemeyer”, in honor of the architect's 19th birthday. The event takes place at XNUMX pm, in the FEC classroom building.

GGBS lectures - The Social Benefits Management Group (GGBS) celebrates “International Women’s Day” on March 12th, with lectures at Unicamp and the Center for Technological Education (Ceset). At Unicamp, the meeting takes place from 9 am to 12 pm, in the auditorium of the General Directorate of Administration (DGA). On the occasion, professor Jairo de Paula will discuss questions such as: “What is the true role of the working man?” and “Is success and survival in the job market directly linked to technical training or acquired experience?” In addition to the lecture, inspired by everyday life and her work routine, employee Maria das Graças Gomes da Silva gives a poetry exhibition. The GGBS celebrations also include a presentation of the play “Entre Divas e Senhoritas”, directed by Débora Zamarioli. At Ceset, in Limeira, the meeting with de Paula takes place at 13:30 pm, in room PA-07. In his lecture he addresses the topic “Man & Woman – Duet or Duel”. At Unicamp and Ceset, activities are open to female employees.

Financial guidance - The Social Benefits Management Group (GGBS) and Sesi are organizing a series of lectures on financial guidance, on different dates, according to the calendar below. The next one takes place on March 13th, at 10 am, in the auditorium of the Computing Center (CCUEC). The series of lectures opened on February 15th. The next meetings will take place on April 10th, in Limeira; April 17th, at Hospital das Clínicas, and on April 22nd, at Caism. Information: ggbs@reitoria.unicamp.br

SAE lectures - The company The Boston Consulting Group gives an expository talk about careers in consulting and BCG. It will be on March 13th, at 18:30 pm, in the auditorium of the “Cesar Lattes” Central Library (BC-CL). Organized by Unicamp's Student Support Service (SAE), the lecture aims to offer students studying Engineering, Economics and Business Administration, who are studying their seventh or eighth semester, job opportunities in the consultancy area. Interested parties must register by March 17th, on the website www.bcg.com. Information: 19-3521-6544.

Forum - The next edition of the Permanent Entrepreneurship Forum “Customer Relationships” takes place on March 14th. The event is organized by the General Coordinators of the University and Institutional and International Relations (Cori). Consult the event page.

Neuroscience Day - On the 14th and 15th of March, the Unicamp Neuroscience Day will take place in the auditorium of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM). This Journey aims to bring together health professionals involved in Neuroscience to update neurological and psychiatric conditions, thus strengthening the interdisciplinary approach. Residents, postgraduates and undergraduate students can participate. Team registrations can be done via e-mail.

Computing park - The National Center for High Performance Processing in São Paulo (Cenapad-SP) opens its new computing park on March 14th, at 15 pm, in the auditorium of the Computing Center (CCUEC). With its inauguration, Cenapad, which operates in the CCUEC building (Rua Saturnino de Brito, 45, on the Unicamp campus), will take the Brazilian education and research system to a new level of high-performance processing (PAD). Information: 19-3521-2197.

Canarinhos da Terra - The Instituto Cultural Canarinhos da Terra, in partnership with Unicamp and sponsored by Petrobras, is selecting singers aged 7 to 17. Interested parties must register by the end of March, on Wednesdays, starting at 19 pm; on Fridays, from 18:30 pm, and, on Saturdays, from 9 am, at the Unicamp Arts Institute (IA) (room 1, 1st floor). Other information: 19-32490583 or 3387-9373. Find out more about the Canarinhos da Terra Project at website.

Opportunities abroad - Based at Unicamp, the Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (Aiesec), an international organization, facilitates undergraduate and postgraduate students going abroad. To this end, he will hold a lecture on March 12th, at 12 and 18 pm, in room CB-18 (Basic Cycle building). More information at the service point, located in the Cesar Lattes Central Library (BC-CL) building, which operates within the Institutional and International Relations Coordination (Cori) post, telephone 19-3874-2802 or e-mail.

EAD tutorial and course - The Distance Education Team (EAD) of the Computing Center (CCUEC) and the Unicamp Professional Training Agency (AFPU) organize on March 18th, from 9 am to 12 pm, the tutorial “Distance Education Environment” (face-to-face modality). Its target audience is people interested in distance learning. The course “Development of online courses using TelEduc”, which will be offered remotely, takes place from March 31st to June 20th. It is intended for teachers, undergraduate and postgraduate students, scientific initiation students and Unicamp employees formally involved with distance learning projects. To participate in the course it is necessary to watch the tutorial or have minimum experience with distance learning. Registrations. Others informations.

Paediatrics Easter - On Wednesday, March 19th, at 13 pm, the traditional Easter party will be held for children admitted to the pediatrics ward at Hospital das Clínicas (HC). In addition to the 70 children on the ward, ten children who currently undergo hemodialysis procedures participate. Those interested in donating Easter eggs (number 12) should contact educator Maura Giarola or occupational therapist Lúcia Kobayachi, by phone 3521-7458.


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