Territory & development
The multiple scales between the local and the global
Carlos Brandao
Synopsis: This book starts from the observation of the resurgence of the themes of development and territory and, above all, the articulation between them. Performs an extensive critical review of the relevant literature. It proposes an analytical framework to deal with the specific case of peripheral and underdeveloped countries such as Brazil, which have continental-sized national spaces and complex urban and rural environments. Analyzes the nature and dynamics of the development process and its spatial scales (local, multi-regional, national, global, etc.). In the end, it points out some challenges for the implementation of public policies and territorial-based development strategies on multiple scales.
ISBN: 978-85-268- 0775-4
Technical sheet: 1st edition, 240 pages,
format 16 X 23 cm - Price: R$ 40,00
Area of interest: Economy, Regional and urban planning.
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