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Works are selected
for congress in Sweden
4 / 3 / 2008 - Three works from the eighth class of the Specialization Course in Physiotherapy Applied to Child Neurology, coordinated by professors Maria Valeriana Moura-Ribeiro, Sylvia Maria Ciasca and Regina Turolla, were selected for presentation at the European Children Disability Congress, which will take place on the 8th of April, in Sweden. Students Marina J. Airoldi and Taciana de S. Alcará evaluated static and dynamic balance and gross motor function in children between five and 12 years old with visual impairment. The data showed that children with normal vision performed better in static and dynamic balance and gross motor function than children with visual impairment. Blind children had better results on all scales analyzed, when compared to children with low vision. There are several methods for treating disorders in cerebral palsy, including the use of botulinum toxin. This was the work presented by Juliane C. Claro, Juliana D. de Araújo and Maria Eduarda A. Fernandes. They combined stretching and muscle strengthening exercises in patients who use this type of neuromuscular blocker. Carla F. Schein, Laura B. Ulbricht and Lívia M. Bonomo evaluated children with Down Syndrome and made a correlation with sensorimotor function. They concluded that children with Down Syndrome present difficulties in carrying out sensory, perceptual and fine motor tasks, and that the deficit in one function is associated with the execution of the other. “The works were selected for their originality and because we do not have, in the literature, nationally and internationally, there is a lot of research of this type”, said pediatric neurologist Maria Valeriana Moura-Ribeiro.

Enhancement - The 75 new students from the 2008 class of the Improvement Courses at the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM) at Unicamp were welcomed on the 3rd, in the FCM Noble Hall, by the professor and Improvement Coordinator, Carmen Bertuzzo, and by the discipline advisors .“From now on, you are Unicamp students and have a series of facilities that the university offers, such as restaurants, libraries and emails. At the end of the program, you must present your course completion work (TCC) and will compete for the Maria Valeriana Moura-Ribeira award, creator of the Improvement Courses”, explained Carmen. Last year, one of the seven works that won this award was “Assessment of balance and gross motor function in children with visual impairment”, by Marina J. Airoldi and Taciana de S. Alcará. The work competed in the physiotherapy category. (Edmilson Montalti)

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