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Arrigo Barnabas
Physical space in healthcare
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Signing of the agreement that formalizes the
partnership takes place on the 11th at the University

Publisher reissues five
books adopted by courses

A Unicamp publisher has just republished five books (see synopses on this page) that had been out of print since last year, but which were adopted by different courses offered at the University. Among the works, the first book published in Brazil on mass transfer, which deals with the process used in the food, chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries. In addition to contributing to the improvement of industry professionals, the work is aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Works have discount by 30% in March

The publication Blaue Blume - Deutsch als Fremdsprache, consisting of a basic German course in a single volume and accompanied by the Student Manual and three CDs with listening comprehension texts and pronunciation exercises, is also on the list.

By reissuing the titles, the Publisher responds to teachers' requests with basic books for subjects in the areas of teaching the German language, chemistry, physical education, mechanical engineering and mathematics, more specifically geometry.

In March, Unicamp students will be able to purchase reissued titles with a 40% discount. The book Flat Euclidean Geometry and Geometric Constructions, for example, costs R$ 25,20 – normal price R$ 42,00. At other times of the year, Unicamp students have a 30% discount on all of the Editora's books.

From: R$ 200,00 - For: R$ 140,00

Blaue Blume - Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Course Book, Student Handbook and CD
Hubert Eichheim, Monika Bovermann, LeaTesaYová and Marion Hollerung
Translation: Paulo Oliveira and Susana Kampff Lages
Technical review: Klaus Michael Barth
Area of ​​interest: German language – study and teaching.

Synopsis: Basic course of German as a foreign language in a single volume. The 54 brief units of the Course Book cover the entire program provided for by the Zertifikat Deutsch exam, corresponding to level B1 of the Common European Framework for Language Teaching. In addition to grammar, phonetics, vocabulary and exercises, it also provides learning tips and covers a wide range of text types, without restricting itself to the most common day-to-day communication.

Bilingual: Blaue Blume encourages learner autonomy and can also be used for self-study. In each unit, an introductory text in Portuguese provides sociocultural information, defines learning objectives and provides work tips. In the first part of the book, all the exercise statements and grammatical explanations are in Portuguese, gradually switching to German, until reaching a practically monolingual situation at the end of the book.

Original texts: The core of the units is made up of original texts of a diverse nature, such as reports, essays, interviews, stories, poems, songs, comics, caricatures and graphics, on which the proposed explanations and activities are based.


a) Course Book with 54 units;

b) Student Manual with glossary, mini-grammar, exercise answers and transcription of oral comprehension texts;

c) 3 CDs with all oral comprehension texts and pronunciation exercises.

From: R$ 87,00 - For: R$ 60,90
Mass Transfer Fundamentals
Marcus Aurelius Cremasco
Area of ​​interest: Chemistry

Synopsis: First book published in Brazil on mass transfer, a process used in the food, chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries. It is aimed at professionals, teachers and undergraduate and postgraduate students in chemical, biochemical, mechanical, agricultural, food and materials, metallurgical engineering, among others.

From: R$ 60,00 - For: R$ 42,00

Solidification Fundamentals and Applications
Amauri Garcia
Area of ​​interest: Mechanical engineering, metallurgical engineering and materials engineering.

Synopsis: This book is aimed mainly at undergraduate and postgraduate students in mechanical engineering (materials and manufacturing processes), materials engineering and metallurgical engineering and specialization courses in casting and casting, in addition to serving as a reference for professionals working in the industries foundry and steel mills. Over more than 25 years of research in the area of ​​material solidification, an appreciable volume of research results was generated by a very active team at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the State University of Campinas. These results, duly compiled and systematized, were gradually incorporated into the fundamental aspects of solidification and used over many years in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. The experience of these didactic experiences culminated in the current format of this text, in which, whenever applicable, technological applications centered on the phenomenon of solidification were incorporated.

From: R$ 24,00 For: R$ 16,80

General gymnastics and school physical education
Eliana Ayoub
Area of ​​interest: Physical Education – study and teaching.

Synopsis: It is up to us, teachers of physical education, especially in the school context, to overcome the mistakes of the past and present and imagine a contemporary gymnastics that privileges, above all, our human dimension, which means the human being, culture and not the human being is a machine, the human being is the subject and not the human being is the object. A gymnastics that can react to the dogmas of positivist science to find its answers (or even its questions). Gymnastics that is not in tune with the body stereotypes present today, that is not interested in feeding the “dictatorship of the ideal body”. In short, a gymnastics that creates space for the playful component of body culture, rediscovering pleasure, completeness and the technique/art of body language.

Price: R$ 42,00 For: R$ 25,20

Flat Euclidean Geometry and geometric constructions
Eliane Quelho Frota Rezende and Maria Lúcia Bontorim de Queiroz
Area of ​​interest: Geometry.

Synopsis: Plane Geometry constitutes a good model of axiomatic theory and, as such, was covered in this book. Geometric constructions, which, as they were created by ancient mathematicians, could not be divorced from Geometry, contribute both to the understanding and enrichment of theory and to the solution of problems that are pertinent to it. Such constructions are justified here based on the theory of Geometry, of which some applications are presented. The aim of the book is to help students and teachers in specialization and undergraduate courses in Mathematics or related areas, as well as other Mathematics teachers, contributing to the discovery and understanding of other interactions between Geometry and other areas of knowledge. It is also expected that it will provide the reader with greater ease in organizing reasoning and constructing logical arguments.


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