From the academy to the
center of power

The professor of agricultural economics at Unicamp, José Graziano da Silva, author of the program Fome Zero, considered the flagship of next government, spoke to the Journal of Unicamp about the strategies that will be adopted to increase food consumption among the population poorer. Quoted behind the scenes to command the future Social Emergency Secretariat, Graziano rejects the label of "voluntarist" for the program and says that it will not be difficult to combat hunger in Brazil. Pages 6 and 7

Political scientist Leôncio Martins
from the Institute of Philosophy
and Human Sciences of
Unicamp, consider
the programs
viable PT social policies, but
says that to deploy them
the party will have
to also "manage" its radical wings.
page 8
Agrener 2002
4 º Energy Meeting in Rural Environments.
page 3
Student chapter is prominent in the USA. page 5

A center for the study of waste. page 9

Research by geologist engineer Ricardo Perobelli Borba reveals that the soil and water in the Iron Quadrangle region.
page 10