Campinas, November 18 to 24, 2002 - YEAR XVII - no 199 - INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION

Children under a tree trunk felled by windstorm in Mata Santa Genebra,
one of the largest urban forests in the country

In search of sustainable development
Experts from across the country participated in the 6st Meeting of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Environment and Society (Anppas), held in Indaiatuba, between November 9th and XNUMXth. The contribution of academia to sustainable development was evident at the meeting, where dozens of research studies were presented and discussed – much of it developed at Unicamp – that reconciles economic growth, social justice and protection of natural resources. Topics such as demographic dynamics, biodiversity, water resources, energy, management and environmental risk, among others, were discussed. For Lúcia da Costa Ferreira, researcher at the Center for Environmental Studies and Research at Unicamp (Nepam) and executive secretary at Anppas, "the Brazilian university has shown a good capacity to promote studies and propose solutions to the multiple challenges linked to sustainable development".page 6

A portrait
of the reform

The document "Gender Study and Agrarian Reform Processes in Brazil", the result of a partnership between FAO and the Unicamp Institute of Economics, reveals, among other things, that agrarian reform reproduces the current cultural and social pattern, marked by male dominance .
page 12.

The seminar "Development Sustainable: a balance of Johannesburg", held at Unicamp last November 5th was marked by disagreements within the community scientific research on the results of UN conference.
page 6

would feed
1/3 of the hungry
In the assessment of food engineer and vice-rector of Unicamp, José Tadeu Jorge, food waste in the production chain would be enough to guarantee the livelihood of at least a third of the country's hungry.
page 3

The biggest forest experiment
Researchers from the Genolyptus Project, considered the largest forestry experiment in the world, met at Unicamp. page 2

Inconfidence in the imagination of romantics
Doctoral thesis defended at the Institute of Language Studies at Unicamp (IEL) reveals how romantic writers rewrote the history of the Inconfidência Mineira. page 9