Kafka by Susana Kampff Lages
The challenges of translation - The full German version of The Disappeared or Amerika, the first novel by Czech writer Franz Kafka, has just been published for the first time in the country. The author of the translation is professor Susana Kampff Lages, from the Language Teaching Center (CEL) at Unicamp. The teacher won the Jabuti Prize this year with the book Walter Benjamin – Tradução e Melancolia. At the invitation of JU, Susana Lages writes an article about the production of Unicamp colleagues in her area of expertise and interviews Rosemary Arrojo, full professor in Comparative Literature at Binghamton University, where she directs the Translation Research Center, the only space dedicated to studies of translation in the USA. Retired from Unicamp, Rosemary Arrojo worked at IEL in the 80s and 90s.