We won't be that many.
Will we be better?
Researchers Elza Berquó (Nepo/Unicamp), José Eli da Veiga (FEA/USP), José Marcos Pinto da Cunha (Nepo/Unicamp) and Nazareth Wanderley (UFPE) analyze the drop – and rejuvenation – in the fertility rate, the population aging, the differences between rural and urban universes and the role of demography in this scenario that introduces new elements into the composition of Brazilian society today
and the future.
Professor Roberto Hermínio Moretti, from FEA, develops the second generation of the “Mechanical Cow”, equipment that produces soy milk.
Software developed by professor Roberto Lotufo, from FEEC, is part of a pioneering international project in the area of genomics.
The book Indicators of Science, Technology and Innovation in Brazil, which brings together articles by 23 authors, will be launched on the 17th at a seminar at Unicamp.