Unicamp in the Press
3 November - The global steel giant Arcelor and the Chinese giant Baosteel, with the support and partnership of Cia. Vale do Rio Doce, launch the project to build a semi-finished steel megaplant (slabs) in Maranhão aimed at the export market . The cost for its installation in São Luís is US$ 250 million to US$ 300 million lower than the implementation in Pará, according to a technical survey carried out by the team of professor Luciano Coutinho, from Unicamp, and the company Natrontec.
3 November - The 2004 Unicamp entrance exam registered a record number of registered candidates, with 50.307 candidates. This number is 8,2% higher than the number from 2003. In the last entrance exam, there were 46.492 candidates. 2.934 vacancies are offered, distributed across 49 careers. The locations of the first phase exams will be announced from the 13th. The information will be available for consultation on the website
October 27 - The collapses of energy systems in developed countries are warning signs, which point to the redirection of technological development. Research carried out at Unicamp points to great possibilities for reducing equipment - such as the refrigerator, resulting in consumption reductions of between 20-40% - only with improvements in the design and quality of the energy supplied to this equipment.
October 27 - Sustainable development tends to become a positive obsession for Brazilian society, perhaps more as a matter of survival than an option. Economists and professors from Nesur - Center for Urban and Regional Economics - Institute of Economics at Unicamp, Gustavo Zimmerman and Carlos Brandão, scholars of the subject, rightly remember that there is no sustained economic development without the involvement of society.
October 27 - A survey using a new methodology, developed by researchers from Unicamp, outlined the profile of poverty in Campinas. The new method quantifies levels of so-called “food security or insecurity”, a concept that defines the degree of access to food by poor families.
October 26 - Supported by the PT's electoral victory, the Socialist International will hold, starting tomorrow, in São Paulo, its 22nd congress, whose main challenge will be to recover its prestige as a representative entity of the global left. “A meeting like this is a complete mixed bag. There are parties that still have a commitment to social reforms to the majority, which sets the tone. To take as an ideological measure what this International is, suffice it to say that the PT, member or non-member, will still be a force on the left, because on the right is Blair”, said João Quartim de Moraes, professor at Unicamp and editor of the magazine “Marxist Criticism”.
October 26 - A prominent figure of German Expressionism, the Lithuanian painter Lasar Segall (1891-1957), who from 1923 decided to definitively assume the status of Brazilian citizen, carried out only one child illustration work throughout his long, productive and brilliant career. The translation, direct from Yiddish, the Germanic language spoken by Jews (both were Jews) in central and eastern Europe – in writing Hebrew characters are used –, is signed by Berta Waldman, from the Department of Literary Theory at IEL (Institute of Studies of Language) from Unicamp, and Nancy Rozenchan, specialist in Hebrew Literature from USP.