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Mechanical Engineering

“Simplified project management methodology: study of a model based on PMI techniques and adapted for a capital goods company” (professional master’s degree). Candidate: Flávio José Maciel. Advisor: professor Miguel Juan Bacic. On the 20th, at 11 am, in FEM's ID-2 auditorium.


“Combinatorial aspects of Rogers-ramanujan type identities” (doctorate). Candidate: Andréia Cristina Ribeiro. Advisor: professor José Plinio de Oliveira Santos. Day 24, at 10 am, in room 253 at Imecc.


“Analysis of the implementation of a manufacturing management system focused on results” (master’s degree). Candidate: Antonio Carlos de Andrade. Advisor: professor Miguel Juan Bacic. 21st, at 9 am, at FCM.

“Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluation of Nitro-enalapril (NCX899)” (PhD). Candidate: Cristina Eunice Okuiama. Advisor: professor Gilberto De Nucci. Day 21, at 10 am, in the amphitheater of the Department of Pharmacology at FCM.

“Proposal for a new technique for reconstruction of the bile duct using a jejunal segment tube; experimental study in dogs” (master’s degree). Candidate: Eliane Anrain Trentini. Advisor: professor Luiz Sérgio Leonardi. Day 22, at 9:30 am, at the FCM Gastrocentro Amphitheater.

“Psychosocial aspects of deafness: the social representation of parents” (doctorate). Candidate: Angélica Bronzato de Paiva e Silva. Advisor: professor Maria de Lurdes Zanolli. 24th, at 9 am, at FCM’s CPG.

“Non-hemolytic cholelithiasis in the pediatric population” (Master’s degree). Candidate: Ana Cláudia Bottura. Advisor: professor Adriana Maria de Alves Tommaso. 24th, at 9 am, at Ciped.

“Histological and immunohistochemical evaluation of the maturity of myenteric plexuses in experimental gastroschisis of rats performed at two different gestational ages” (PhD). Candidate: Willy Marcus Gomes França. Advisor: professor Lourenço Sbragia Neto. 24th, at 9 am, at FCM.


“Analysis of the symmetry of the activity of the temporal, masseter, sternocleidomastoid muscles and stabilographic indices of individuals with and without temporomandibular dysfunction” (PhD). Candidate: Lílian Gerdi Kittel Ries. Advisor: professor Fausto Bérzin. Day 24, at 8:30 am, at FOP.

“Influence of repacking with composite resin on the extrusion resistance of fiberglass intra-root retainers” (PhD). Candidate: Celso de Freitas Pedrosa Filho. Advisor: Professor Luís Roberto Marcondes Martins. Day 25, at 8:30 am, at FOP.


“Comparison of damage induced in hair from three ethnicities by different treatments” (master’s degree). Candidate: Adelino Kaoru Kanano. Advisor: professor Inés Joekes. Day 20, at 10 am, in the IQ mini-auditorium.

“Spectrophotometric determination of medoxyprogesterone acetate in medicines by reaction with Mo(VI) in H2SO4” (master’s degree). Candidate: Tânia Aparecida Lopes Pinheiro. Advisor: professor Adriana Vitorino Rossi. Day 21, at 10 am, in the IQ mini auditorium.


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