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Winemaking symposium brings together researchers, oenophiles
and producers aiming to revitalize the segment in the State

São Paulo wine seeks its space


Laboratory work at FEA (Photo: Antoninho Perri)A The revitalization of winemaking in São Paulo – from grape production to obtaining quality wines – will be at the center of the debates at a symposium that will be promoted at Unicamp on November 23rd. The event, which aims to bring together researchers, producers, oenophiles, representatives of cooperatives, among others, aims to make the knowledge generated by universities and research institutes available to the sector, in order to accelerate its development, consequently contributing to the expansion of levels of employment and income in the State of São Paulo. “Our purpose is to collaborate in the formulation of public policies that strengthen the segment, as well as to facilitate wine growers’ access to new technologies, at different levels of production”, says Cláudio Messias, coordinator of the meeting and retired professor from the Institute of Biology (IB ).

Agricultural Engineering and food already have lines of research

Cláudio Messias (Photo: Antoninho Perri)The 1st Symposium on Research and Development in Winemaking in the State of São Paulo will be the first step towards the creation of a group to support actions aimed at recovering the sector. The initiative, according to Professor Messias, is in line with a São Paulo government project that aims to strengthen the wine production chain. Two years ago, among other measures, the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS) rate on wine was reduced from 25% to 12%, when produced regionally, as a way of stimulating investment and production. in the State. “In a very particular way, Unicamp can make an important contribution to this effort. Some lines of research maintained by FEA [Faculty of Food Engineering] and Feagri [Faculty of Agricultural Engineering], for example, can boost the segment, from the vineyard to the wine processing phase”, predicts the event coordinator.

Currently, the studies carried out by these teaching and research units around winemaking involve the design of new agricultural equipment, the use of selected yeasts and physical-chemical, sensorial and microbiological evaluations of the drink, among others. Cláudio Messias remembers that the demand for the selection of new varietals is very high, which requires the sum of these and also knowledge generated by other segments of agricultural research in the State. Today, winemaking in São Paulo works primarily with two types of grapes: American and hybrid. Both give rise to a wine called regional. The initial objective, continues the symposium coordinator, is not to implement wine varieties in São Paulo, but to provide support for the qualitative improvement of regional wine production, and thus preserve a cultural activity. “In a second stage, São Paulo may have the production of Vitis vinifera such as Cabernet sauvignon and Shiraz, among others, but which will necessarily go through a validation process for special management, such as double pruning to obtain quality harvests” .

To achieve this goal, highlights the professor, the proposals arising from the symposium will count on the collaboration of other institutions with a tradition of encouraging agriculture and training personnel in the State, such as the Integral Technical Assistance Coordination (Cati), the Agronomic Institute of Campinas (IAC) and São Paulo Agribusiness Technology Agency (Apta), Agriculture Federation of the State of São Paulo (Faesp), Senar-SP, Sebrae. “We are also maintaining contact with researchers from other countries in Latin America and Europe, where advanced techniques are used for grape and wine production. The aim is to establish continued cooperation with these scientists.”

Professor Messias recalls that the State of São Paulo presents, as a positive characteristic, a winemaking tradition that could be expanded to other regions, such as the slopes of Serra da Mantiqueira. Today, the properties located in municipalities such as São Roque, Jundiaí, Louveira and Itatiba are small, of the minifundio type, where the activity still pays favorably to the producer. “Small farms, when associated in cooperatives, can produce at lower costs and have more diligent marketing, better remunerating the producer.”

The revitalization of São Paulo's wine industry, in Cláudio Messias' opinion, should also provide positive results for other sectors, such as rural tourism. “Some cities already have bodegas that offer wine tastings to visitors. These, in turn, also consume other products and services offered by the city”, ponders the event organizer. In addition to the technical discussions, which will feature the participation of experts from different areas (see program), the symposium will also have a special activity: artisanal wines from São Paulo will be subjected to a sensorial didactic evaluation by 80 of the participants. The tasting will be coordinated by professor Sérgio Inglez de Souza, director of the Brazilian Society of Wine Friends (SBAV), São Paulo section.

Immigration – Wine growing began in Brazil in São Paulo, more specifically in the Captaincy of São Vicente. The first grape varieties were brought by the Portuguese. Later, with the end of slavery and the arrival of immigrants, especially Italians, new species were introduced into the country. It was also thanks to the Italian community that wine consumption became cultural in the State. Currently, São Paulo is the largest producer of table grapes in the country and one of the largest consumers of table wine and fine wine. Rio Grande do Sul is the largest producer of wine grapes, those intended for the production of fine wines. According to data from the Brazilian Winemaking Union (Uvibra), per capita consumption of the drink in the country is 1,8 liters. In Argentina, this number rises to 31,6 liters and in France, to 56,1 liters.

The 1st Symposium on Research and Development in Winemaking in the State of São Paulo will be held on November 23rd, from 8:30 am to 17:30 pm, in auditorium 1 of the Unicamp Multidisciplinary Gymnasium. Registration is free and can be done at the following email address: http://www.cori.unicamp.br/vitivinicultura2006. The sensorial didactic evaluation will be carried out at the Visiting Professor's House and will have a maximum of 80 participants. The event, co-organized by Unicamp's Institutional and International Relations Coordination (Cori), is supported by Cati, IAC, CPTA, Support Service for Micro and Small Businesses (Sebrae), Agriculture Federation of the State of São Paulo ( Faesp/Senar-SP), Embrapa Informática Agropecuária, Grupo Pão de Açúcar, Cereser-Jundiaí-SP and Jacira Consultoria em Vinhos.


Wine - It is the drink obtained by the alcoholic fermentation of the simple must of healthy, fresh and ripe grapes.
Common or table - It is wine made with grapes of common varieties.
Compound - It is a drink with an alcohol content of 15º to 18º GL (Gay Lussac degrees), obtained by adding to common wine, macerates and/or concentrates of bitter or aromatic plants, substances of animal or mineral origin, drinkable ethyl alcohol and sugars. Contains at least 70% wine.
Special - It is wine made with 60% wine grapes and 40% common grapes.
Fino or vinifera - It is wine made with grapes from wine varieties.
Liqueur - It is a drink with an alcohol content of 14º to 18º GL, and potable ethyl alcohol, concentrated must, caramel and sucrose can be added.


PRESS ROOM - � 1994-2005 State University of Campinas / Press Office
Email: press@unicamp.br - University City "Zeferino Vaz" Barão Geraldo - Campinas - SP