The State of S. Paul
August 25th, XNUMX – The Department of Scientific and Technological Policy at Unicamp opened a specialization course for professionals who work in areas of technological innovation focused on the development of new products, processes and services. According to the institution, the program seeks to integrate innovation into companies' competitive strategy.
August 24th, XNUMX - For years, capoeira has been exported: there are groups and “masters” practicing this game of physical dexterity in Portugal, France, the United States, Japan, Argentina, Uruguay and several other countries. However, it is necessary to understand that although inserted in the context of urban violence at the time, the maltas – small communities of black people – were not made up of thieves, but rather men who valued their freedom and did not accept the social obligation of work (as analyzes Maria AB Salvadori in her master's degree defended at Unicamp).
IG Portal
August 25th, XNUMX - 'Engineering like you've never seen it'. This is the slogan of the 7th Electrical Engineering Week (SEE), which takes place at Unicamp between this Monday and
August 29th, XNUMX. The aim of the week, according to the organizers, is to 'make known the breadth of the important art of creating, inventing, engineering'.
Panorama Brazil
August 22th, XNUMX - The “Free Software and Development of Brazil” seminar concluded today in the Senate’s Petrônio Portela auditorium. Systems analyst Rubens Queiroz, from Unicamp, warned that software donations from IT companies are a true “Greek gift”.
Cosmo online
August 26th, XNUMX - At a time when the majority of hospitals in Brazil are looking for solutions to face the financial crisis, the São Paulo State Department of Health announced this Tuesday the release of R$84 million in extra resources to spend on costs or purchase equipment. The cities benefiting from the RMC, according to the list released by the Secretariat, were: Campinas (seven institutions), Holambra (one), Indaiatuba (one), Pedreira (two), Santo Antônio de Posse (one), Sumaré (three) and Artur Walnut tree (two). In Campinas alone, resources total R$3,020 million, of which R$1,030 million for the Unicamp Blood Center, R$1.396 million for the Hospital das Clínicas (HC) and R$483,189 thousand for the Boldrini Children's Center.
August 22th, XNUMX - Around a thousand people are expected to participate in the “Cataract and Diabetes” project, to be held this Saturday, from 8am to 15pm, at the Hospital das Clínicas at Unicamp. The project coordinator, ophthalmologist Denise Fornazari de Oliveira, informed that people over 50 years of age and who have visual impairment will be served, in order to detect those with cataracts and diabetic retinopathy.
Grande ABC Diary
August 24th, XNUMX - From this Monday onwards, the registration form for Unicamp's 2004 Entrance Exam will be available on the Internet, ending on September 28th. Candidates simply need to access the website and, after filling out the form, print the registration form with the bank slip to pay the registration fee, the value of which is R$75.
Folha de S. Paul
August 24th, XNUMX - Upon landing in Peru today, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will be taking another step forward in the South American integration project, a priority of his government that goes far beyond previous intentions with the same purpose, but which ended up in the dead archives of diplomacy Brazilian. Brazilian researcher Fernando Sarti, from Unicamp, agrees, at least partially: “It's a project that interests Brazil, period. For Argentina, Colombia, non-Chavista Venezuela, Chile, the cost/benefit ratio of integration with the United States is positive.”