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Article - Shot in the foot
University & Innovation
As per the music
Reform: social policies
Reform: praxis and logic
Heloísa: resistance
Technological Park
Unicamp in the press
Panel of the Week
Job opportunities
Theses of the week
Society: dilemmas
The `dirty paper´


Panel of the Week

Residents grade 10

The performance of three medical residents from the Department of Pediatrics at Unicamp brought satisfaction to the department's professionals. They achieved first place in the mandatory national exam for those who wish to work as professionals in the field. Ana Paula Silveira Moraes, Ana Cla�dia Botura and Maria Cristina Iacomussi Reganin took first place, respectively, in the tests that are carried out annually and bring together residents from all over the country.

Together with professionals from the University, 1.500 doctors also participated in the tests at the beginning of the year. According to the head of the department, Antonio Fernando Ribeiro, this type of result defines the quality of the medical residency offered by the University. Ana Paula, who placed first in the exam, was satisfied with her performance. Although she didn't expect first place, she believes that the foundation acquired in caring for patients at Hospital das Clínicas (HC) contributed greatly to the result. Currently, Ana Paula is specializing in

Neonatology at the Center for Comprehensive Care for Women's Health (Caism) and intends to work in this area in the future. Ana Cludia, who came in second place, completed her medical course at Puc-Campinas, a medical residency at Unicamp and is about to complete her specialization in the area of ​​gastropediatrics at HC. She believes that her good performance in the exam was thanks to her experience in this area. �Since the third year of college I have had contact with Pediatrics issues.


Computer Technology – The Unicamp Computing Center and the Unicamp Professional Training Agency (AFPU) are offering new self-study classes “Introduction to Computing” in September. This training aims to serve people who have never used a computer and who need to learn how to work with it. It works in the form of self-study, in which the student uses the CCUEC laboratory and has the help of a monitor. Interested parties should schedule an appointment with Sonia, Rita or Milena by calling 3788-2221 or 3788-2258.

Sociology – The 11th Brazilian Sociology Congress takes place from 1 to 5 (Monday to Friday), at the Convention Center. It is organized by the Brazilian Society of Sociology, with the support of Unicamp, through the Master's Program in Sociology and Doctorate in Social Sciences, of the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH). Information on or by e-mail

Chemical waste – The Seminar “Management of Chemical Waste”, coordinated by the Biological, Chemical and Radioactive Waste Advisory Group of the General Coordination of the University (CGU), under the presidency of professor Fernando Coelho-IQ, will be held on the 4th (Thursday) . It takes place from 9 am to 12:30 pm, in the FCM Auditorium (FCM-5). Find out more about the program at

Meat – Professors Pedro Felício and Bento Carvalho Jr, from the Faculty of Food Engineering, make up the scientific committee of the 49th ICOMST Congress (International Congress of Meat Science and Technology), which is being held in conjunction with the 2nd Brazilian Congress of Science and Technology de Carnes until September 5th, at the Hotel Royal Palm Plaza. Renowned researchers on this subject from the United States, Australia, France, Canada, Ireland, Germany, Denmark and Spain will be present. More about programming:

Fine Arts – The Unicamp Art Gallery promotes the exhibition by Marilda Bernardes “A poetics of the action of time in the plastic arts: monotype” until September 5th, from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 17 pm. The exhibition results in Marilda's master's thesis, supervised by professor Ernesto Giovanni Boccara. She presents on the 4th (Thursday), at 14 pm. Information: 3788-7453, e

Secretaries – Registration will be open from September 7th to 10th for the 13th Meeting of Health Secretaries. The event will be held on September 30th. The organization is organized by the Public Relations Department of Hospital das Clínicas (HC) in conjunction with the Committee of Health Secretaries at Unicamp. The meeting will take place at the Hotel Ermitage Boulevard (Av. Aquidaban 280, center). More information (19) 3788-8002 or email

Speech – The 1st Speech Therapy Week takes place between the 8th and 10th of September. The event will feature several lectures with renowned professionals from Speech Therapy, Medicine and Linguistics. It is aimed at professionals in the field and for those who work together with the speech therapist or who need their work — dentists and otorhinolaryngologists, singers and teachers or those interested. More information:

Emergency Room – The Emergency Room Nursing Service and the Trauma Surgery and Clinical Emergency Nursing Service will hold on September 10th, at 7:30 am, in the Nursing Department of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM), the “Pre-Meeting” Course of Nursing in Emergency Room, Trauma Surgery and Clinical Emergency”. It is aimed at professionals who work in pre- and in-hospital emergency services. The objective of the course is to discuss, reflect and improve knowledge in the construction of nursing knowledge. Places are limited. More information from Ms. Lindaura via phone (19) 3788-8786 or email:


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