Science and Art on Vacation – The Science and Art on Vacation Program had its deadline extended for project registrations. By the 5th (Friday), research laboratories interested in participating in the program must submit their projects to the Unicamp Teaching and Research Support Fund (Faep). Information:"
Functional mobility 1
– Nurse for the Limeira Physical Plant. Registration from 1 to 5 (Monday to Friday) with Helena or Ivone, by phone (19) 3404-7112. Candidates must submit an application, CV, proof of completion of a higher education course in Nursing and Coren annual fee receipt. Working hours from 14 pm to 23 pm.
Functional mobility 2 – Vacancy for Service Assistant 1 (Agricultural Assistant) to work at the Feagri Experimental Field. Registration from the 4th (Thursday) to the 19th of September, from 9am to 12pm and from 14pm to 16:30pm, at the Faculty Office. Other information:
Functional mobility 3
– Vacancy for a Professional in the Humanities Area for Caism (Center for Comprehensive Attention to Women's Health) to work in the Finance Service. Registration from 1 to 5 (Monday to Friday), at Human Resources, from 9 am to 17 pm. Information:
Prep school – The Zap Writing course, taught by Unicamp students, opens registration for those who intend to take the University's next entrance exam. Registration – with a limited number of places – can be made at the headquarters, Rua Bernardino de Campos, 200, in the Center. For more information, call 3237-6745 and 3234-2894.
Fleet – Current company management models will be the topic of a lecture by consultant Sebastião de Almeida Júnior on the 1st (Monday), from 8:15 am to 11:45 am, in room 8 of the Institute of Economics. Director of Almeida & Cappeloza Consultores Associados, the consultant will give a lecture to second and third year students at the Institute of Economics, following an invitation from professor Miguel Juan Bacic. Almeida has worked in more than 50 companies in Brazil, is the author of several books and has worked in the human resources area since 1977.
Tecnologic innovation
– The Department of Scientific and Technological Policy of the Institute of Geosciences offers the Strategic Management of Technological Innovation Course (360 hours), designed entirely to meet the needs of professionals who work in critical roles in innovation management, focused on the development of new products, processes and services. The course starts in September 2003. Limited places. Information:
USP Professor – The Department of Clinical Medicine at FMRP/USP is opening a competition to fill a teaching position in the area of Nutrition and Metabolism. Registration can be made until September 23rd in Communications. More information: