Previous Editions | Press room | PDF version | Unicamp website | Subscribe to JU | Edition 228 - from 8 to 14 September 2003
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Article - Miss Dona
The hormonal "mousetrap"
Possible utopias
Political sciences
Undetermined history
New president of Capes
Unicamp in the press
Panel of the Week
Job opportunities
Theses of the week
Tuning the sound of machines


Unicamp in the Press

September 3 - Unicamp completed, at the end of August, the implementation phase of its Digital Library. This is the largest university collection available electronically throughout Brazil, with 1,9 digitized theses and a newspaper library with 40 newspaper clippings about Campinas (SP). In total, there are 300 thousand digitized pages of academic, cultural and educational information.

September 2nd - Urban violence, the environment, racial and gender discrimination, the new role of the state, and the social impact of new technologies, are among the topics being discussed until Friday (5), at Unicamp, during the XI Brazilian Congress of Sociology.

September 3 - The Center for Research, Development and Continuing Education (CPDEC) promotes on Monday (8th), at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of Unicamp (FEQ), from 8 am to 18 pm, the lecture Loyalty as a Tool, the be given by Luiz Sabatino. The topics will be covered: loyalty program and customer relationship strategy. Information: (19) 3289-8338 or email:

August 30 - The Minister of Defense, José Viegas Filho, announced the inclusion of three members of the scientific community in the commission investigating the causes of the accident in Alcântara, in addition to a representative of the family of those killed. The commission, which will not be independent as the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC) wanted, will be chaired by Brigadier Marco Antonio Couto do Nascimento, deputy director of the Aerospace Technical Center (CTA), who will replace Colonel Antônio Carlos Cerri, from the Institute of Aeronautics and Space. Another investigation, the military police, is also ongoing. Both must be completed in a maximum of 40 days. The rector of Unicamp, Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, also considered the decision positive. "It's correct," said Brito Cruz. "It will help to understand the problems that led to the accident and find ways to avoid them. It will generate a perception of more openness and legitimacy of the analysis and the propositions or suggestions that may be made."

August 31 - Tomorrow the official purchase of Hilda Hilst's personal collection by Unicamp will take place. The collection includes the originals of her books, several unpublished manuscripts and drawings, photographs of intellectuals and friends, active and passive correspondence, as well as various documents that will be integrated into the writer's material already deposited at the Alexandre Eulálio Cultural Documentation Center.

August 29 - Senator Heloísa Helena was in Campinas this Friday (29), participating in a public event against the Pension Reform. The demonstration was organized by the Unicamp Teachers' Association and marked the end of the strike by some 1,8 teachers. The parliamentarian criticized the Lula government and said that senators have an obligation to discuss the pension reform proposal with a group that would have been excluded from debates on the topic.

August 29 - Small high-technology companies will receive special attention from the federal government from September this year. The Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) will invest R$40 million in a program that will be aimed at the areas of agribusiness, health and biotechnology, according to Wanderley de Souza, executive secretary of the MCT. Among the recently released resources, the Green and Yellow Fund stands out for the creation of technology parks in the cities of São Paulo, São Carlos and Unicamp. The state secretary of Science, Technology, Economic Development and Tourism, João Carlos de Souza Meirelles, will visit Unicamp today where he will receive the press to talk about the installation of the new Technology Park in Campinas. Since May, when it was inaugurated, the Unicamp Innovation Agency (Inovacamp) has been developing an economic feasibility study and investment plan necessary for the installation of the new technology park.


PRESS ROOM - � 1994-2003 State University of Campinas / Press Office
Email: - University City "Zeferino Vaz" Barão Geraldo - Campinas - SP