Previous Editions | Press room | PDF version | Unicamp website | Subscribe to JU | Edition 228 - from 8 to 14 September 2003
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Article - Miss Dona
The hormonal "mousetrap"
Possible utopias
Political sciences
Undetermined history
New president of Capes
Unicamp in the press
Panel of the Week
Job opportunities
Theses of the week
Tuning the sound of machines


Panel of the week

Feagri functional mobility - Vacancy for Service Assistant I (Agricultural Assistant) to work at the Feagri Experimental Field. Registration until September 19th, from 9 am to 12 pm and from 14 pm to 16:30 pm, at the Faculty Office. Other information:

Unesco - The Ministry of Health, within the scope of the UNESCO Technical Cooperation project, launches a notice for proposals for the "Institutional Strengthening Project of Research Ethics Committees - CEPs", which aims to promote the strengthening of research ethics activities with human beings. or finance meThe total is R$1,5 million for the 60 CEPs, each of which can receive up to R$25 thousand. To access the complete documentation relating to the selection, interested parties must access the address:, on the Healthcare Professionals icon,  ou Questions by email:

Culture station - Exhibition by architecture students from PUC-Campinas and Unicamp can be seen until October 6th on Platform 2 at Estação Cultura. The exhibition brings together 12 sculptures created by architecture students and can be seen from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 20 pm, with free entry. More information: 3705-8056/8033.

Entrepreneurship - Call for academic papers for the 1st National Entrepreneurship Congress until September 15th. The congress will be held from October 19th to 21st, in Florianópolis, at the Higher Education Center. Information on the website or by phone (48) 233-4945/ 9102-1431/9102-0125.

Special collections - The Special Collections Area of ​​the Central Library (3rd floor), presents the exhibition Dedications, a display of books from the Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, Alexandre Eulálio and Aristides Cândido collections, which contains dedications from illustrious authors, such as: Mário de Andrade, Osvald de Andrade, Rachel de Queiroz, Chico Buarque, among others. The exhibition can be seen from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 17 pm, during the month of September. Information: Tereza Cristina Carvalho,, phone 3788-6464.

IFGW functional mobility - Vacancy for Administration Technician 1, to work with Financial Support. Registration until the 12th (Friday), at the Secretariat of the Institute of Physics (APADM) - Building C Superior, from 9 am to 11 am and from 13:30 pm to 17 pm. Information: telephone 3788-5301/5297, with Jandira or Maria Inez.

USP Professor - The Department of Clinical Medicine at FMRP/USP is opening a competition to fill a teaching position in the area of ​​Nutrition and Metabolism. Registration can be made until September 23rd in Communications. More information:

Entrance exam exam - The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams is making available to interested parties, on the Internet, a form for registering candidates for the Proctor and Assistant for the Unicamp 2004 National Entrance Examination. The selection of these candidates will be based on the information provided in the registration form. Adresses:

Event discusses the quality of gasoline

The Combustível 2003 event, to be held on the 12th (Friday), at the Unicamp Convention Center, aims to promote discussion of the current scenario and the future, in relation to controlling the quality of fuels, especially gasoline. Based on lectures and debates, technical, legal and administrative solutions linked to the quality of automotive gasoline and its impacts on distributors, resellers and consumers will be presented. An exhibition on Fuel Quality Programs is also being organized, associated with a display of videos and rare vehicles.

According to one of the organizers, professor Antonio Celso Arruda, from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, fuel fraud has been causing consumers a feeling of insecurity and impotence in preserving their car. He notes that there is a high expectation from lay consumers who want to know what happens inside the internal combustion engine power system due to the use of inappropriate fuel.

The event will feature an exhibition on the fuel quality program, a display of rare vehicles and a video presentation. More information: telephone (19) 3788-3345, email or website:

Lectures and Debate

Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz (rector of Unicamp) - Opening

Luiz Augusto Horta Nogueira (director of the National Petroleum Agency - Fuels and their Specifications.

Esther Lopes (Petrobrás Quality and Methods Manager) - Investments to Ensure Fuel Quality

Célio Pasquini (IQ/Unicamp researcher) - Fuel Quality Control

Alisio Jacques Mendes Vaz (operational director of Competition Defense of the National Union of Fuel and Lubricant Distributing Companies) - Distortions and Fraud in the Fuel Market

Luiz Gil Siuffo Pereira (president of the Latin American Commission of Fuel Entrepreneurs) - The Fuel Retail Market

Luciano Zica (federal deputy) - Government Policy on Fuels


PRESS ROOM - � 1994-2003 State University of Campinas / Press Office
Email: - University City "Zeferino Vaz" Barão Geraldo - Campinas - SP