G-suite email
Unicamp email >> Access the G-suite
To connect to the Unicamp email account "@unicamp.br", employees and teachers must use their Unicamp username to authenticate on the Unicamp email. It is also possible to configure other programs to access your email, such as Thunderbird and Outlook. See how to configure this page.
Questions about use: SAU - (19) 3521-2221 and 3521-2222
Webmail Rectory
Webmail service installed in the Rectory's IT Section for institutional emails "@reitoria.unicamp.br". Questions about use.
DAC Students Webmail >> Access Webmail
Service Student Webmail is available to undergraduate and postgraduate students to access institutional email Xnnnnnn@dac.unicamp.br,
X = the first letter of the student's name
nnnnnn = Student's Academic RecordThis email, available on the web server DAC, will be used for all academic administration communications. The Academic Control System will only allow redirections of this email to Unicamp machines.