Tempo de Debate será com Ezra Gayawan

Tempo de Debate

No dia 7 de agosto, às 12h30, acontece mais uma edição do Tempo de Debate, evento organizado pelo Núcleo de Estudos de População “Elza Berquó”. Quem participa é o professor Ezra Gayawan. Ele falará sobre “Bayesian spatial analysis of cause-specific mortality”. O encontro ocorre no Auditório do Nepo e é aberto ao público em geral. A palestra será em inglês.

O palestrante - Dr. Ezra Gayawan is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Statistics, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria where he leads the Biostatistics and Spatial Statistics Research Group. He earned a PhD in Statistics from University of Ilorin, Nigeria in 2010 and was a postdoctoral fellow at CEDEPLAR, UFMG (2012-2013). He is currently a Visiting Professor at IFCH, UNICAMP where he is working with Professor Everton Lima on a Spatial Analysis Project financed by FAPESP. He has published in several international journals and regularly serves as a reviewer to several journals. He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Young Academy.  

Mais informações pelo e-mail beth@nepo.unicamp.br ou telefone 19-3521-5891.
