PhD. Jean Agustin Velásquez Piñas
PhD in Biofuels by Federal University of Uberlândia, master degree in Energy Engineering from the Federal University of Itajubá and degree in Chemical Engineering from National University of San Cristobal de Huamanga. Has experience in the area of energy engineering, with emphasis on renewable sources of energy, working mainly on the following topics: renewable energies, bioenergy, power generation, anaerobic digestion, energy conversion of biomass co-products and by-products, greenhouse gas reduction, Techno-economic analysis and Life Cycle Assessment. Working experience on the design, coordination and execution of R&D projects in renewable energy, bioenergy, environment and rural development.
Scientific interests:
Bioenergy, Hydrogen and Biomethane, Power-to-X, Greenhouse gas reduction, Anaerobic digestion, Life Cycle Assessment.
Curriculum Lattes: